Epsom’s Medical Centre offers treatment, advice and support to all pupils in the form of a centrally based Medical Room and a purpose-built Sanatorium (‘San’) located behind the Boarding Houses. Our trained medical professionals operate in a professional, caring manner, enabling pupils to maintain their physical and emotional wellbeing during their time at the College.

The Medical Room is staffed by Registered Nurses throughout term time during the school day. Overnight there is always a nurse on duty in the Sanatorium, where pupils may receive treatment, rest or sleep should the need arise. There is a local doctor’s clinic nearby and, in the absence of parents, boarders will be accompanied by a nurse/member of staff should they require treatment. Assistance can also be provided to boarders requiring emergency dental treatment.

Pupils at the College also have access to the services of an independent Counsellor who is in College full-time from Monday-Friday.

more information on the college’s counsellor


All new pupils at the College are given a medical on arrival. Thereafter annual medicals are carried out for all Prep School pupils and available on request for pupils in Year 7 and above.

Parents who wish to discuss their child’s particular medical issues, or who wish to see the medical facilities on site, are most welcome to contact the Medical Centre at any time by telephone: 016-2245842 (mobile) or College main line no: 06 240 2188 ext: 266 or by e-mail at medical@epsomcollege.edu.my

Medical Centre Opening Times (term time) :

For Medical Room:

Monday to Friday 7.30am – 6.30pm
Saturday 7.30am – 6.30pm
Sundays and Public Holidays 9.30am – 10.30am and 6.00pm – 7.00pm


For San:

Monday to Friday 8.30am – 8.00pm (Normal running of Medical Clinic)
8.00pm – 7.30am (Call Duty)
Saturday 6.30pm – 9.30am (Call Duty)
Sundays and Public Holidays 10.30am – 6.00pm (Call Duty) 7.00pm – 7.30am (Call Duty)



During term time, a nurse is on-call between 6.30pm and 7.30am Monday to Saturday, and all day Sunday.

  • Please contact the Medical Room on mobile no: 016 2245842.


Medical Staff

College Healthcare Co-Ordinator (Senior Nurse): Ms. Satwant Kaur

College Nurses:

Ms Sivasanggari Paramasivam

Ms. Siti Salwa Binti Aziz

College Counsellor: Mrs Pajan Kaur