The following SOPs are applicable when the College is open, with day students arriving at College, when face to face lessons are being delivered and when the full programme of CCA and boarding activities are in session.

From 1 June 2021 Malaysia falls under a MCO and thus a number of these SOPs are not applicable. This is when MCO teaching is delivered online, CCA activities cease, day pupils and staff who reside off-site do not travel into the College on a daily basis.

The SOPs for ‘Upon Arrival at College’ (applicable in this time of limited movement during the MCO), ‘Medical Team and HMMs’, ‘Within Boarding Houses and Meals’ remain active for the staff and pupils who remain onsite during this time.


Please note there may be additions/alterations to this document

Further specific guidance will be provided by the MoE/H

  • Bus drivers will be temperature checked by the Bus Company (If the bus driver lives in a red zone they will not be allowed to drive the bus)
  • Bus to be disinfected before each journey.
  • Parents to be advised to check the temperature of their children prior to pick-up.
  • Bus driver meets students (and parent/s of prep school students) at the designated location for pick-up.
  • Temperature check of students taken before getting on the bus, hand sanitizer used and facemasks worn.
  • Should a child not pass the temperature check they will not be allowed on the bus and will need to return with their parent(s).
  • Physical distancing on the bus is to be observed in accordance with MOE/H guidance.
  • Upon arrival the bus will be allowed to park by the Pavilion (& Medical Team informed) and students remain on board.
  • The Guard House will take the temperatures of all students on-board the bus.
  • In order to smoothen the verification process a self check-in QR code for students will be in operation. Once the link appears on their mobile device, key-in full name, contact number and temperature (reading to be provided by the guards) and click submit. One person per submission.
  • Show the guard that submission has been completed i.e. the ‘thank you’ screen.
  • Parents, students, staff and visitors may enter the school.
  • The Affirmation Form must be completed satisfactorily once the temperature check is passed for those unable to scan the QR code (or not carrying a mobile device).
  • Students who have passed the temperature check and completed the QR Code/Affirmation Form satisfactorily stay on the bus and will be dropped off at the Prep School or Main Reception.
  • Should a student not pass the temperature check they will be cared for at the Pavilion while further re-tests are conducted by the Medical Team.
  • The Pavilion should be air-conditioned, have drinking water available and seating with appropriate physical distancing but ensure that the child/ren are given good care.
  • Should any student repeatedly fail the temperature check they will not be permitted access to the school site.
  • Parents will be informed of this by the medical team and they will liaise also with Housemasters /Housemistresses (HMMs)/Head of Prep School)/Deputy Head Pastoral (DHP).
  • Students will be kept in isolation in the Pavilion until they can be collected or returned home (meals/refreshment to be provided accordingly during the interim). Supervised by the Medical Team.
  • The student would be required to undergo Covid-19 testing before being allowed to return to College once their temperature has returned to normal levels (MOE/H guidance required on this aspect).

*Parents will be informed of this procedure

  • Following guidance from the respective Malaysian authorities visitors on site will not be permitted during Term time. Work related visitors to the site, business meetings and occasional Campus tours for example are permitted. Private cleaners/child carers are permitted access to the school campus. However speakers, friends/family of students, or friends/family of teachers are not permitted on site but the wider visitor policy will be updated further when required.
  • Everyone must be temperature checked at the Guard House. Senior students to be dropped off at the Main College Reception or Boarding Houses. Prep School students to be dropped off at the Prep School car park.
  • The Pavilion will be used for the re-testing of anyone who registers a temperature above 37.5°.
  • Should anyone fail the temperature check they will be cared for in the Pavilion while further re-tests are conducted by the Medical Team.
  • If anyone repeatedly fails the temperature check they will not be granted access onto the College site and Parents/Guardians of the student will be contacted by HMMs/Head of Prep School to arrange their collection. Staff who live on-site would initially need to self-isolate in their accommodation if they failed repeated temperature checks upon arrival at the Guard House. Staff who live off-site would initially liaise with the Medical Team. In these instances, if Covid-19 symptoms are evident they would need to attend their local health screening centre for Covid-19.  In the event that the returning student is a boarder, they will be accommodated in the Sanatorium and monitored closely.
  • In order to smoothen the verification process at the Guard House a self check-in QR code for all parents, students, staff and visitors is in operation. Once the link appears on their mobile device, key-in full name, contact number and temperature (reading to be provided by the guards) and click submit. One person per submission.
  • Show the guard that submission has been completed i.e. the ‘thank you’ screen.
  • The Affirmation Form must be completed satisfactorily once the temperature check is passed for those unable to scan the QR code (or not carrying a mobile device).
  • Parents/Guardians visiting the College may help with the packing /unpacking of the vehicle but they may not enter the boarding house. They are welcome to meet at the reception area.
  • HMMs should be notified in advance of any Parent/Guardian visit (with the exception of start/end of terms & exeats).
  • Everyone wishing to gain entry must have their own supply of Facemask or Visor in accordance with Malaysian law.
  • HMMs/Head of Prep School to brief returning students on medical aspects and physical distancing guidelines. This briefing will take place immediately after the students’ arrival on site.
  • Disposable facemasks are available for purchase from the Medical Room.
  • Medical team to provide guidance on the safe disposal of facemasks.
  • HMMs/Head of Prep School to liaise with students/parents/guardians to ensure staggered arrival times are maintained to reduce the influx of students arriving on site at the same time.
  • Taxi or Grab drivers need to be temperature checked, complete the Affirmation Form and must remain in their vehicle while on site.
  • Reinforce hand washing routines and hygienic practices. Hands must be washed with soap and water for 20 seconds (roughly ‘Happy Birthday’ song x 2). This should occur upon arrival at College, after contact activity, before & after meals, after using the toilet and at the end of day prior to home travel for day students or upon entering the boarding house for boarders.
  • Hand sanitizer to be available either side of every door that is not/cannot be propped open.
  • Hand sanitizer: If soap and water are not readily available and hands are not visibly dirty, use a recommended hand sanitizer. However, if hands are visibly dirty, always wash hands with soap and water.
  • Additional key times to clean hands include:
    • After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing
    • After using the toilet
    • Before eating or preparing food
    • After contact with animals or pets
    • Before and after providing routine care for another person who needs assistance (e.g. a student/sibling/your child)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Daily temperature checks by the Medical Team, House Teams & Prep staff of all students and staff on site.
  • Medical team to write to families of day students to remind parents/guardians of the importance of monitoring symptoms and staying home when ill.
  • Dr Fauziah’s Clinic continues to welcome our students as long as they are not exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms. If the Clinic is happy with the student’s travel history, i.e. that they have not been in contact with  any patients/person that might have Covid-19 or a Person Under Investigation (PUI), they will be treated as having a common fever / viral fever as usual.
  • In the event of Mercato being declared a ‘red zone’ students will be taken to Nilai Medical Centre.
  • A list of pupils with any specific underlying conditions who are potentially at higher risk will be emailed to all staff and posted in the Staff Common Room.  This should include asthma, diabetes, known lung, respiratory conditions etc. These lists should be double-checked by HMMs to add as an extra filter.
  • Higher risk students are to have weekly checks with the Medical Team.
  • If anyone develops Covid-19 symptoms at any time they must be taken to the Pavilion immediately.
  • Honour requests of parents who may have concerns about their children attending school due to underlying medical conditions of those in their home.
  • Staff who cannot be in school due to their own high-risk conditions may be allowed to provide online learning instruction to their students from home. Students on site would be required to access the lesson via a laptop in their room/study space in House. Prep school students would remain in the Prep School under supervision.
  • School Counsellor to proactively contact students identified as vulnerable emotionally and liaise with HMMs/Head of Prep School/Deputy Head (Pastoral).
  • School Counsellor to address aspects of helping students (and staff) readjust to school routines, physical distancing, re-establishing friendships, possible screen addiction, blue-lighting, unhealthy sleeping patterns, anxiety issues, etc.
  • Currently, all assemblies are to be via video/Google Meets.
  • Everyone should keep to the left hand side of corridors and staircases and ensure a distance of 1 metre from other people is maintained at all times.
  • ‘No go’ zones to be marked off in the centre of corridors/staircases. Red line to demarcate the separate directions and blue arrows for ‘up’ and green arrows for ‘down’.
  • Physical distancing markers outside each classroom.
  • Non-fire doors should be open and not on lockdown (e.g. doors to the Administration Area) to avoid unnecessary touching of handles.
  • Corridor above the library to be opened to spread flow of movement around the site.
  • Enhanced cleaning of main areas (following MOE/H guidance) will be conducted on a regular basis, particularly of frequently touched surfaces (tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, taps, sinks, printer/ photocopier etc.) Sepang Facilities to check the thoroughness of the cleaning.
  • Enhanced cleaning of the catering facilities. Sepang Facilities team to check the thoroughness of the cleaning.
  • Cleaners to adhere to procedure for hygiene when moving between buildings in terms of fresh masks, hand washing and physical distancing. Fresh facemasks to be worn and replaced regularly.
  • Every second urinal in all male toilets (boys and adults) to be blocked/taped off.
  • Hand washing should be a frequent practice and Hand Sanitizers units are in place throughout the College site. Soap and sanitizer liquid should be replenished regularly.
  • Signs in English/Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Bahasa reminding everyone to keep left, wearing of facemask and maintaining physical distancing protocols to be placed throughout the College.
  • Whilst all attempts at physical distancing will be maintained where possible, in the event of an emergency situation, pupils & staff should evacuate the building as quickly and safely as possible.
  • Cleaning of body fluids should be done as soon as possible by informing Housekeeping (013-665 5519)
  • Currently, all assemblies are to be via video/Google Meets.
  • Use hand sanitizer whenever entering/exiting the Boarding House. (one inside and one outside)
  • HMMs and matrons to liaise about the hygienic collection of laundry.
  • Enhanced cleaning of the Boarding House  (following MOE/H guidance) will be conducted on a regular basis, particularly of frequently touched surfaces (tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, taps, sinks, printer/ photocopier, etc.)
  • Limitation on students’ use of photocopier/printer – this must be done via house staff if entirely necessary.
  • Cleaners to adhere to procedure for hygiene when moving between Boarding Houses in terms of hand washing, wearing of facemask and physical distancing. Sepang Facilities to check the thoroughness of the cleaning.
  • Everyone must clean their mobile phone/digital devices on a daily basis.(see guidance here)
  • Movement around the Boarding House: keep to the left hand side of corridors and staircases and ensure 1 metre distance away from other people at all times.
  • Normal laundry service off site will resume.
  • Students should occupy single rooms wherever possible. If not, beds should be sufficiently spaced apart in shared rooms. HMMs/Sepang Facilities to check that this is appropriately spaced. (International SOS recommend ideally single rooms, although two to a room is adequate if well ventilated and beds are more than 2 metres apart).
  • Students may use kitchen facilities but should be mindful to not spend too long in the preparation of snacks or drinks as it may inconvenience others. Physical distancing should still be observed. Markings and ‘no-go’ zones to be marked out.
  • Day students may only enter the ground floor of a Boarding House (although access may be granted to a communal area for Tutor Periods)
  • Usual procedure should be followed for the signing in/out of the Boarding House. Disinfectant to be available by signing sheet for pen to be cleaned before/after it is used. Own pens should be used wherever possible.
  • Students are permitted to go outside in their free time and before/after prep. However, physical distancing guidelines need to be maintained.
  • HMMs to remind students about the importance of hygiene and vigorous hand washing practice.
  • Hand sanitizer should be used regularly (and refilled regularly).
  • HMMs to devise a shower timings routine to maintain physical distancing. Certain year groups on each floor.
  • Students, if continuing with aspects of online learning within the boarding house, must be adequately spaced apart, according to physical distancing protocols.
  • There cannot be any physical contact between students at any time (couples holding hands, arms on shoulder or hugging).
  • Disposable gloves are available in Houses, should they be required.
  • Normal bedtime routines are to be maintained.
  • Registration in Houses:
    Morning RegistrationLunch RegistrationEvening Reg/Prep
    HMMs to divide year groups into different physical spaces in the House and Duty House Staff will rotate around the year groupsHMMs to divide year groups into different physical spaces in the House and Duty House Staff will rotate around the year groupsAll prep will be done in rooms or other designated areas (usual timings) and Duty House Staff will register students in their rooms. Any notes/notices can be shared on noticeboard, email and WhatsApp/Google Chats

    *N.B. Registration routine will be reviewed in due course.
  • Lock up routine will remain the same as students are registered in their rooms at Lights Out.
  • Whilst all attempts at physical distancing will be maintained where possible, in the event of an emergency situation pupils/staff should evacuate the Boarding House as quickly and safely as possible. Provision of assistance for pupils with a PEEP to be continued by staff, including the use of ‘sweeping’ where necessary in the event of an emergency.
  • Parents/Guardians visiting the College may help with the packing/unpacking of the vehicle but they may not enter the boarding house. They are welcome to meet at the reception area.  HMMs should be notified in advance of any Parent/Guardian visit (with the exception of start/end of terms & exeats).
  • Cleaning of body fluids should be done as soon as possible by informing Housekeeping (013-665 5519).
  • Parcels should be sanitized once delivered to the Main Reception and House Matron informed so that these should be collected.
  • Information to be shared sensitively with staff if there is any student who has experienced or is experiencing notable difficulties (e.g. bereavements / serious ill family members, etc.).
  • The Dining Hall is to be set up to meet physical distancing protocols. For example, dining tables should be a suitable distance apart. In addition, the Mezzanine will be used for dining. Floor marking will indicate physical distancing and flow of movement.
  • Meal duty staff to monitor physical distancing during all meals.
  • Food service spread out over the Dining Hall facility to minimise pressure points.
  • Students must wait in their Houses until their designated lunchtimes.
  • Entrance to Dining Hall should be from the Glass Doors at the far end of the Dining Hall (then wash hands).
  • Exit from the Dining Hall should be from the Blue Doors at the back of the Dining Hall (then hands washed in the student toilets).
  • Additional hand sanitizers outside the Dining Hall to minimise ‘clustering.’
  • Where possible staff are to avoid Senior Lunch and use the 12:35 lunch slot after the Dining Hall has been cleaned at 12:30 (if not teaching during p5). Sepang Facilities to check the thoroughness of the cleaning.
  • HMMs to provide reminders of the importance of not sharing food and drinks.
  • Snacks will be available outside meal times from the ‘Pizza Hut’ outside the Dining Hall.

Meal time to be as follows:

7:00 - 7:15* Years 6/7
7:15 - 7:30 Years 8/9
7:30 - 7:45 Years 10/11
7:45 - 8:00 Years 12/13

Sat 7.15 - 8:15
Sun 9:00 - 10:00
12:00 - 12:30 (Prep)
(cleaned at 12:30)
12:35 (6th Form/staff)
(cleaned at 1:00)
1:05 -1.45 (Senior School)

Sat: 12:30 - 13:30
Sunday 12:30 -13:30
5:30 - 6:30
(Staggered in Year groups)
5.30 Years 6/7
5:45 Years 8/9
6:00 Years 10/11
6:15 Years 12/13
Sat (as above)
Sun (as above)

N.B. These timings will be reviewed in due course.
*Matrons are to monitor students as they depart to the Dining Hall for Breakfast and maintain physical distancing as they head to/from the Dining Hall.

  • Maximum class size of 20 students.*
  • Risk assessments are to be conducted by the facilities team for each classroom.
  • Desks and furniture has common seating spaces have been rearranged to maximise space between students.
  • Visual aids (e.g. painter’s tape, stickers, notices) to illustrate traffic flow and appropriate spacing to support physical distancing. Classroom setup must be tailored to meet physical distancing protocols.
  • Teachers should oversee the arrival and departure of students to ensure that physical distancing measures are maintained.
  • Hand Sanitizer is available in each classroom and students should use this upon arrival and departure of each lesson.
  • Writing utensils, textbooks, classroom supplies are not shared by students. Textbooks are cleaned and designated to each student for personal use, if required.
  • Classrooms to be cleaned frequently (before school and after school). Sepang Facilities to check the thoroughness of the cleaning.
  • Hand sanitizers placed in close proximity to shared equipment (e.g. printer/photocopier).
  • Physical distancing protocols are to be maintained in the library. Tables should be placed a suitable distance apart and students. Maximum of 20 students at any time. Librarian to monitor the flow of students and staff in the library. Librarian to have a set timetable and sign-up sheet for non-timetabled blocks.
  • Physical distancing protocols are to be maintained in the Grayling Sixth Form Centre (GC). Maximum of 20 students at any time. Tables should be placed a suitable distance apart and students. Sixth Form students should study in-house during study periods if not allocate a space in the GC. Matrons/House staff will need to know who these pupils are and one member of staff is to be in Houses during academic lessons at all time in event of fire alarm/emergency. The GC will no longer be available for prep time on Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends. The GC will be available for specific events in the evening, when no more than 20 students are invited.
  • No collaborative group work beyond online activities.
  • The use of music practice rooms during the evenings when this facility is open will be monitored closely by the Music Department. Musical instruments and rooms to be carefully cleaned with regularity. SLT to check on this as part of the SLT Duty Night rota.
  • Parents and pupils are responsible for ensuring that any instruments borrowed from ECiM are not shared with other pupils either during lessons or practise.
  • Between lessons, pianos and keyboards will be cleaned with an approved cleaning agent to minimise risk of transmission.
  • Individual music lessons will be held in a room with sufficient ventilation and size for the instrument/type of lesson.
  • In the smaller practice rooms masks should be worn by pupils and staff (e.g. for piano/violin).  However, for singing/wind lessons that is impossible and so these lessons are to be held in larger rooms such as classrooms where there is better ventilation.
  • Only individual lessons will be held at this time. Applications for group lessons will be declined until further notice.
  • Computer suites adhere to physical distancing and keyboards/monitors/spaces are wiped down after each use.
  • For electronics, such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards, mobiles, laptops and remote controls.
    • Consider putting a wipeable cover on electronics.
    • Follow manufacturer’s instruction for cleaning and disinfecting.
    • See guidance here
  • Online platforms should be used for guest speakers/careers/11+/CPD/PTCs.

*MFL2 set up to follow physical distancing measures

This classroom set up was approved by a MOE inspector but spacing between desks must be at least a metre – teachers should monitor this aspect carefully.

  • All assemblies will be online or via video and shown in classrooms.
  • Arrival should be through KS2 door rather than gathering in the Prep Garden, children walk straight to the classroom.
  • Pick up from KS2 door, but with each household having a number to display in their car to quicken handover. KS2 Children to wait in classrooms and KS1 children to wait in the corridor at the end of the day (as per rainy day pickup) while maintaining physical distancing. As this process becomes embedded parents may pick up their children from 3.00pm onwards.
  • Necessary equipment that will be used only by each individual student will be kept in their trays and cleaned regularly.
  • Chit Chats class to be separated into 2 rooms and have children only playing in one station at a time in small groups. A selection of toys will be available and cleaned after each session.
  • Prep School Lunch to take place from 12:00-12:30pm in the Dining Hall.
  • Washing of hands in the Dining Hall before and after eating at the following times:
    • 12:00 – Chit chats, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
    • 12:15 – Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
  • Dining Hall to be cleaned after Prep School Lunch at 12:30pm.
  • Prep School tables and chairs to follow physical distancing protocol in the Dining Hall.
  • Break times are scheduled to ensure children still have the opportunity to get fresh air and play.
  • Head of Prep School to organise supervision rota of staff for meal times and break times.
  • Washing of hands before and after break times.
  • Water-fountain use to be closely monitored by staff.
  • Regular cleaning of high touch areas of the playground structure.
  • Designated walkway & path markings to indicate physical distancing guidance.
  • Use of Prep School toilets to be monitored closely by the teacher/TA accompanying the children.
  • Movement around the school (lunch, dining hall, sports hall, swimming pool) should be carefully supervised.
  • Everyone should keep to the left hand side of corridors and staircases and ensure a distance of 1 metre from other people is maintained at all times.
  • Enhanced cleaning of main areas (following MOE/H guidance) is conducted on a regular basis particularly of frequently touched surfaces (tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, gym and sporting equipment).
  • Every second urinal in all male toilets (boys and adults) is blocked/taped off.
  • Hand washing should be a frequent practice and Hand Sanitizers units are in place throughout the College site. Soap and sanitizer liquid are replenished regularly.
  • Signs in English/Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Bahasa are in place to remind everyone to keep left, wear a face mask and maintain physical distancing protocols throughout the College. However, during sporting activities the wearing of a face mask is not recommended.
  • Whilst all attempts at physical distancing are maintained where possible, in the event of an emergency situation, pupils & staff should evacuate the building as quickly and safely as possible.
  • Cleaning of body fluids should be done as soon as possible by informing the Sepang Facilities 24 hour Help Desk (0129524912).
  • Use hand sanitizer whenever entering/exiting the Sports Hall.
  • Cleaners adhere to procedures for hygiene when moving between Sports Hall and School Buildings in terms of hand washing, wearing of face mask and physical distancing. Sepang Facilities to check the thoroughness of the cleaning.
  • Hand sanitizer should be used regularly (and refilled regularly).
  • For PE/Sport/CCA days students may attend lessons in kit even if the session is in the afternoon for the Prep School. In the Senior School students can get changed in their boarding house.

Implementation of Sports and Co-Curricular Activities


  • The attendance of teachers / coaches and students based on the schedule and rotation of sports and co- curricular activities.
  • Layout plans are provided by optimizing the use of appropriate fields, courts, and other spaces. Coaches should maximise space to minimise physical contact.
  • Equipment is clean, safe and disinfected before use.
  • Students are encouraged to use their own equipment such as badminton rackets, ropes and musical instruments.
  • Bathrooms/changing rooms/toilets are in a clean condition.
  • The number of students using the bathrooms/changing rooms/toilets is limited according to the capacity of the rooms.


  • Physical distancing and existing procedures must be followed for the following activities: one (1) to three (3) meters for static activities such as stretching and warm-up activities; and three (3) to five (5) meters for dynamic activities such as sports training, marching and dance.
  • Information is conveyed verbally without involving physical contact. If physical distancing is not possible or contact is unavoidable, apply a face mask and wash your hands with soap and water/hand sanitizer
  • Students must bring their own drinking water, foods, clothing, face towels and personal belongings and are not allowed to share with other students.

After activities:

  • Equipment is cleaned, disinfected and stored well after use.
  • The space / place used is cleaned after the activity is carried out.
  • Students are not allowed to have physical contact with each other and should not shake hands after the activity.
  • Students and teachers / coaches need to wash their hands with water and soap / hand sanitizer after the activity.
  • Students and teachers / coaches should leave the activity area immediately after the activity and rewear their face mask.

External Coaches and Teams

  • Ensure that external coaches / instructors / participants record their attendance and complete temperature check at the main entrance of the school as well as wearing a face mask before and after the activity. Wearing a face mask during activities is not recommended.
  • Ensure that students and teachers / coaches / non-teacher instructors as well as participants wash their hands with water and soap / hand sanitizer after the activity.