Students from Singapore looking for a true British boarding school experience no longer have to look further than at Epsom College in Malaysia. Established in 2014, Epsom College is a K12 co-educational day and boarding school located on a 80-acre site, 15-mins from Kuala Lumpur International Airport and a quick 45 minute flight from Changi International Airport.

As the only sister school of Epsom College in the UK – which was founded in 1855 and has Her Majesty The Queen as a patron – our Future Ready curriculum augments nearly 200 years of academic excellence with teachings tailored for the demands of the modern world and a fast-growing Asia. As an example, whilst students follow the English National Curriculum and prepare for IGCSE and A-Levels, they leave the school fluent in English, Mandarin and follow the Singapore Math curriculum.

Epsom is also known for its world renowned sport academy partnerships, Epsom’s sport academies are open to students of all skill levels from the age of 11, but students enrolling in or transitioning into Years 6 and 7 will access the sport academies from September 2023 onwards, at no additional cost. 

All Singaporean citizens and residents will benefit from this special Weekday Boarding Programme curated specifically for them at SGD35k. Epsom can assist students with flight bookings and provide access to special discounted rates throughout the academic year.

Programme Fees

The British Boarding Experience

Epsom boasts highly qualified and experienced pastoral staff who provide 24/7 pastoral care to our boarders during their term. Our pastoral staff understand the value of boarding and have the skills, training, and experience to contribute to pupils’ holistic development.

Learning and Living in a Multicultural Setting

While our long and successful heritage is British, our mindset is global. Our boarding houses are home to students from more than 20 nationalities – allowing our pupils to learn about various cultures and lifestyles, and fostering empathy, compassion, kindness and selflessness in their daily lives.

Strong & Professional Pastoral Care

Epsom works on providing a holistic social and academic environment to its students, whether in boarding or attending to the needs of its student’s well-being. 

Our experienced pastoral care team, security team and nursing staff are within the campus 24/7, to ensure our student’s safety and well-being should any situations arise.

Nutritious Meals & Various Meals

The Epsom dining experience feeds the appetite of everyone and nourishes the soul. The menu is carefully designed by a nutritionist to be varied, nutritious and delicious. Dietary requirements are taken into consideration, with vegetarian options, meat and fish dishes, a salad bar and fresh fruits.

Boarding students are served breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with three snacks during the day.