Crawfurd House is named after a former Dean of the Medical Department of King’s College, London, Sir Raymond Henry Payne Crawfurd, who joined the Council of Epsom College in 1915. The House is conveniently located close to the Dining Hall, Sports Centre and all academic departments. The House occupies rooms on four floors in purpose-built accommodation.

The atmosphere in Crawfurd House is lively, fun and constantly busy.

The girls are considerate, honest, respectful and happy, full of energy, enthusiasm and House spirit. Along with formal academic and co-curricular learning, girls develop qualities such as integrity, compassion, respect and responsibility as part of the House community.


The House is supported by a team of academic and pastoral tutors, an Assistant HMM, Resident Tutor and Matron.


Housemistress: Mrs Helen Miller

Assistant Housemistress: Mrs Ellen Crann

Resident Tutor: Ms Thanes

House Matron: Ms Parween



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Crawfurd House