Headmaster's Welcome

Recently Mrs Parker, our Second Master, delivered a powerful assembly relating to our Epsom Learning Characteristics and The World Health Organisation’s mission to raise awareness of inequalities around the world by sharing with us some challenges that she herself faces.

Friday Flyer

March 3 was World Hearing Day and Mrs Parker centred her presentation on Evelyn Glennie, an exceptional musician who is profoundly deaf, to illustrate her points.

Friday Flyer Friday Flyer

Hearing loss has often been referred to by the WHO as an “invisible disability”, not just because of the lack of visible symptoms, but because it has long been stigmatised in communities.

Friday Flyer

In her assembly Mrs. Parker drew parallels between our Epsom Learning Characteristics and the World Health Organization's (WHO) mission to address inequalities globally. Mrs. Parker's poignant presentation highlighted the importance of empathy and resilience in navigating challenges, much like renowned percussionist Evelyn Glennie.

Hearing loss is not just characterised by its lack of visible symptoms but also by the enduring stigma surrounding it in communities worldwide. Mrs. Parker's personal story, shared in tandem with Evelyn Glennie's, underscored the significance of embracing the Epsom Learning Characteristics:

Curiosity: Encourages students to wonder, question, explore, and experiment. By asking questions, conducting independent research, or trying new methods, students cultivate a spirit of inquiry essential for personal and academic growth.

Resilience: Fosters determination, perseverance, and the ability to recover from setbacks. Whether trying again after failure or practising to improve, resilience is key to overcoming obstacles.

Creativity: Nurtures the ability to connect, visualise, and think innovatively. By transferring skills between topics, considering diverse problem-solving approaches, or exploring alternative study methods, students unlock their creative potential.

Reflectiveness: Promotes self-evaluation and critical thinking. Through feedback from teachers or peers, students learn to assess their progress and adapt their strategies for future success.

Attention: Develops listening skills, concentration, and active participation. Whether staying focused in class discussions or immersing oneself in learning tasks, attention is crucial for effective learning.

Collaboration: Encourages social interaction, empathy, and leadership. By being team players, offering help to others, or leading group projects, students foster a sense of community and cooperation.

Organisation: Cultivates planning and resourcefulness. From completing tasks on time to independently seeking information and solutions, organisational skills are essential for academic success.

Thinking: Stimulates deductive reasoning, analysis, and critique. By understanding the significance and deeper meaning behind texts or events, students enhance their analytical abilities.

Mrs. Parker's message emphasised the importance of determination in overcoming challenges, echoing Evelyn Glennie's journey. She highlighted how the Epsom Learning Characteristics, particularly Attention, Thinking, Resilience, and Creativity, empowered both herself and Evelyn Glennie to thrive despite the myriad challenges of their hearing loss.

Furthermore, Mrs. Parker urged students to recognise their privilege in accessing education and healthcare resources, advocating for kindness, respect, and equality for all. In a world where misconceptions about hearing loss persist, she emphasised the need to address societal attitudes and ensure equitable access to hearing care.

By embodying the Epsom Learning Characteristics, students are equipped not only to succeed academically but also to make a positive impact in the world, fostering a culture of inclusivity and compassion. As Mrs. Parker aptly stated, "Be kinder than necessary" — a mantra that resonates far beyond the walls of our school.

We hope that you enjoy the articles to come and wish you Happy Reading and a very Happy Friday!

Best wishes,

Mr Matthew Brown,

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A Message from our Leadership Team, Mr Michael Stearman, Head of Key Stage 3

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of leading an assembly at Epsom on the theme of creativity. Crafting an assembly at our school is a dynamic and creative process. We research, experiment, and make constant changes, all with the aim of delivering an inspiring presentation for our students.

During the assembly, my focus was on conveying to our students how they can include creativity in their daily classroom experience. I shared the quote below that encapsulates an important aspect of the creative process- trial and error.

Friday Flyer

Students must understand that making mistakes is not a hindrance, but it is a crucial stepping stone toward success. History has shown that some of the world's greatest thinkers and achievers have weathered periods of failure and disappointment. What sets these people apart, is their resilience, their ability to bounce back and begin the creative process again.

Friday Flyer

Sir Ken Robinson, a renowned advocate for creativity in education, echoes these sentiments in the above quote. He states that students have to be brave, constantly push their limits, and embrace failure as a vital part of the learning process. Robinson contends that certain aspects of the education system can stifle creativity. He advocates for a reconsideration of society’s perception of intelligence and a reevaluation of how we nurture the creative capacities of our young people.

When watching Sir Ken’s famous TED talk, entitled ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity’, I reflected on whether we do provide students with ample opportunities for daily creativity. My initial thoughts drifted towards the obvious creative hubs, the fantastic Art room, or the Design Technology room, where creativity happens daily. I considered the enriching music programme, and the sheer amount of creativity that was poured into the school's amazing We Will Rock You production. I also considered the opportunities that students have to be creative on the sports field and showed the audience this fantastic video of Roger Federer winning a point with this creative winning return. This underlined the notion that creativity extends beyond traditional artistic subjects.

To delve deeper into differing perspectives on creativity I reached out to some of our Heads of Departments and asked them to share what creativity means in their subject. Our Head of English, Mrs Georgie Prestidge, aptly expressed,

“Some people say that creativity is as important as literacy in the study and use of English. It is at the heart of the subject. When we read between the lines, interpreting the thoughts and feelings of those on the pages, when we debate the issues posed by the text.” “In English, we harness our imagination, we express ourselves individually and we invent. Quite simply, we are being creative all of the time”

If we are trying to develop creativity in our young people, we must recognise that all subjects offer opportunities daily and if students embrace their imagination and are willing to experiment and learn from setbacks, we not only enrich their understanding but instill essential qualities of resilience and adaptability.

Mr Michael Stearman,
Head of Key Stage 3

Granville House News

Granville is actively fostering leadership and recognition. In our recent Friday Flyer, we introduced our captain badge and highlighted the various leaders within the house. This week, we are proud to introduce Granville's honour badge. Students who receive the honour badge embody the ethos of our house. Our house ethos is centred around the theme of honour. The concept of honour is multifaceted and culturally nuanced. At Granville, we firmly believe that nurturing and promoting honour contributes to the development of integrity, responsibility, and respect for others—qualities vital for success beyond the classroom. Furthermore, it fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to uplift and support one another.

Recently, a notable act of honour demonstrated by Yu Xiang in Year 10 was caring for his roommate while he was unwell. Honour also plays a crucial role in conflict resolution, teaching students to seek peaceful resolutions and hone effective communication skills. Moreover, it fosters resilience and grit, essential attributes for navigating life's challenges with integrity and determination. Here are reflections from some of our Granvillians on their understanding of honour:

Friday Flyer

Hong Ming Teh: “A sense of achievement derived from overcoming challenges of a certain magnitude. It's not ephemeral, nor can it be usurped by others. Instead, it enriches your character, motivating and refining you as an individual.”

Shang Jing Year 13: “Being a Granville honour bearer entails the perpetual responsibility of setting a positive example for my peers.”

Eugene Ogawa Year 12: “Earning respect from others.”

Sharvvind Year 13: “Establishing personal principles for self-growth and development.”

By prioritising honour, schools not only nurture individual character development but also cultivate a vibrant and supportive community where students can excel academically, socially, and emotionally.

Mrs Dominique Perrang,
Assistant Housemistress

Chess Success!

Friday Flyer

Last weekend, a group of students from Epsom joined forces to participate in the FOBISIA online chess tournament. The tournament was once again virtually hosted by the British International school of Jakarta. With a total of four teams, each comprising four members, the competition was fierce! Team 1, consisting of Darshinie, Vash, Siddhaarth, and Tharun, showcased their skills and secured an impressive 12th place out of 62 teams, emerging as the highest-ranking representatives from Epsom. Special recognition goes to Nysa and Nexus, our MVPs, who seamlessly adapted by switching teams last minute and demonstrated exceptional teamwork. Despite being a new experience for many, all participants performed admirably. We look forward to engaging in more chess tournaments in the future.

Friday Flyer

Darshinie, Year 13 Rosebery

HandleBards Macbeth - English Trip: Review by Rachel and Millie

What to say...? What to say? Other than… it was utterly fabulous. HandleBards’s comedic spin on Shakespeare's well-known tragedy Macbeth was completely enthralling and original – something that is becoming ever harder to achieve. From loony Duncan to the drunkard porter (with a very distinct unibrow!) and audience engagement, we could feel the whole room wide-eyed and in fits of laughter.

One of our favourite highlights from the show was the slow-motion finale fight scene between Macduff and Macbeth, a tense moment turned into a hysterical fight with bicycle pumps for swords ultimately ending with Macduff killing Macbeth and crowning Malcolm the rightful king of Scotland.

Another notable highlight was the appearance of the Dagger, a comically large foam cut-out who was nothing but a nuisance to Macbeth as he made his decision to kill Duncan, a very serious moment made incredibly laughable.

We were sceptical as to how just 2 actors were going to perform 'Macbeth', a play that usually consists of a cast of about 15-18 actors. Yet, each character was notably different, from different accents or tones of voice to costumes and personality. One of the actresses played the doctor and the gentlewoman (onstage at the same time). It was remarkable to watch her turn back and forth to show a different side of her costume, each time switching characters.

After the show, we wanted to thank them for putting on such a wonderful show. We asked them about the HandleBards company and why there were only two of them and their response was “We wanted to challenge ourselves by making it a two-woman play” and what a challenge indeed - but they pulled it off incredibly! As it turns out, the HandleBards not only perform two-man plays but, when in the UK, they travel by bike! They certainly know how to do theatre. If you're ever lucky enough to watch the HandleBards in action, it will truly be an unforgettable experience.

Prep School Stem Week

This week Prep school celebrated Maths and Science week, each class had a different scientific question to answer around the topic of time. Every day of the week, the students completed a different science experiment and learnt more about a scientific concept like air resistance.

EYFS and Year 1/2 learnt about the concept of time and investigated different devices that we can use to tell the time. The children really enjoyed going outside and using their shadows to tell the time over the course of the day. They were amazed to see how the shadow changed from the morning to the afternoon. They also used their creativity skills to make sundials and pendulum clocks.

In Year 3 and 4, the children investigated ‘air resistance’ and answered the question ‘Does the size of the parachute affect how long it takes for it to land on the ground?’ Over the course of the week, they learnt about forces and the effect these have on moving objects. They created an experiment to investigate how the different shapes of objects can make a paper plane fly faster through the air due to less air resistance. They then designed their own parachutes, launched them from the top floor of prep school and timed them to see how long it took for them to land.

Year 5 created an investigation to design a paper boat that could travel the furthest distance before sinking. They applied their prior knowledge of forces to create an effective paper boat which could sail across a set distance for the longest amount of time. They learnt about the effect of buoyancy and how the shape of the boat can affect the boat. The children really enjoyed using their resilience and collaboration skills to create the most effective boat.

It was all about creating a balloon powered car in Year 6. The children learnt about Formula 1 and the specific design of these cars in order for them to be the most effective for the race. It was fantastic to see the children take on this STEM challenge with enthusiasm. It is safe to say that the children used all of our Learning Characteristics in order to be successful in this challenge.

Not only did the children solve these Science challenges this week, they also had a variety of maths competitions and challenges to solve. In EYFS and Year 1/2, the children focussed their maths learning about time and how to tell the time on a analogue watch. Years 3 to 6 had the exciting opportunity of competing in the Times Table Rockstar maths competition, ‘The Rest of the World Rocks’. The children developed their fluency speeds solving multiplication and division problems. It was great to see how confident the children have become with their times table since entering this competition.

Ms Ruth Duck, Year 5 Teacher

Prep School Celebrates Book Week

Last week was Book Week in the Prep School. We had a very busy week packed full of exciting events, activities, and competitions. The Prep staff and students would like to thank everyone who supported us with our Book Week events, including our students’ wonderful parents, the Friends of Epsom, and also our colleagues from the senior school. You all helped contribute to an unforgettable learning adventure for our children. Here are our Library Ambassadors’ thoughts and comments about the week:

Lydia, Y6: During Book Week, the Prep School had many different activities going on. On Monday, there was a fantastic Willy Wonka Extravaganza filled to the brim with a variety of chocolates and fun games with special prizes. There was even a multi-layered chocolate fountain with assorted fruits for dipping! The games included an obstacle course, ‘throw the chocolate into the bowl’, and a ping-pong ball ruler game. In addition to all of this, there was also a mystery reader activity where you had to guess who was hiding behind the book. On Tuesday, there was a special book fair selling popcorn, cotton candy, and a variety of books. There were special games and prizes of popcorn in the library. On Wednesday, we had buddy reading, where we had to share a book with a child in a younger year group. Thursday was our Cultural Day. During the day, there was a show of poems and stories from different cultures. These were presented by senior school teachers who visited our classrooms. Yet again, there was another fantastic day of Book Week on Friday, as we drank cups of warm hot chocolate and listened to bedtime stories. Book week was a brilliant week filled with fun activities and games that brought a smile to everyone's faces!

Felixia, Y5: On Monday, I dressed up as the golden ticket from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I am a Library Ambassador, so I helped out in the afternoon with the Wonka Extravaganza and the games. I ate a lot of chocolate at the party, which the parents had prepared. On Friday, it was pyjama day. I wore my pyjamas and slippers to school - it was very comfortable! That day, we also had bedtime stories with hot chocolate. The parents read to us at the end of the day.

Thomas, Y6: Last week, we had a super spectacular event - it was Book Week! This year’s event was, in my opinion, the best so far. Our theme was Roald Dahl, and this is one of the reasons I liked it so much. On Monday, we dressed up as a character we like from a book and we paraded through the corridors, calling in to different classrooms to show off our costumes. We then went onto the stage in the theatre. In the afternoon, we played fun games with the parents and also attended their ‘Wonka Extravaganza’. This was the best day of the term! On Tuesday, we had several fun activities: Everyone Reading at Once (which took place in the Prep Garden), ‘Drop Everything and Read’, and we also played book-themed games in the library. On Wednesday, there was an event called ‘Buddy Reading’, which is basically reading with a younger child in the school. There were some even better activities on Thursday, with senior staff coming to share stories from other cultures with us. Friday was another great day. Everyone came to school in pyjamas, and some parents and teachers told us bedtime stories while we drank hot chocolate. I would like to thank parents and teachers for organising these amazing experiences.

Mrs Justine Whitney, Prep School Teacher

Epsom Book Week in the Library!

Recently our Library organised a range of activities to celebrate World Book Week from 4-8 March 2024. This event is dedicated to promoting a love of reading and the importance of books in our lives. In today's digital age, reading has become more accessible than ever. E-books, audiobooks, and online reading platforms have made it easier for people to access books from anywhere in the world. Despite these technological advancements, the importance of physical books cannot be overstated. There is something special about holding a physical book, flipping through its pages, the smell of the book, and feeling its weight in your hands.

Some highlights of the week were:

  • Special prizes were given to our library helpers Alistair and Young-Gyoum (Year 12 Granville) for their initiative and commitment as they open and supervise the library on Saturdays for our boarding students.
  • We held a Wonka sale in line with the theme of the week and raised money from donations. We were promoting and collecting the orders a week before the event to ensure that all deliveries arrived in good time for World Book Week. There were a variety of delicious treats sold: cotton candy, popcorn, cheese tarts, a mix of chocolates, jelly pudding, brownies, and red velvet cupcakes. The staff and students purchased these treats as a sweet surprise for their friends, teachers, and themselves. It was lovely to see them so happy to receive surprises when we delivered snacks to them. From this sale, we successfully raised RM 1503.00 for the National Cancer Society of Malaysia specifically for kids - A Children's Home of Hope. It was amazing to see the whole of our Epsom community contribute to this charity, a small change makes a big difference.
  • Library book fair - this was held outside of the library for two days by a bookseller vendor. Varieties of books were available for all ages and languages. It was an excellent opportunity to build students' home libraries, and further their continuous reading. A wide selection of books to choose from was available and students were encouraged to browse before deciding to buy. Our book fairs gave them an even bigger selection as the books offered a range of reading materials and publishers.
  • There were 24 English & EAL classes from Prep to KS3 and students had fun taking part in the activities throughout the week - puzzles, bowling, reading a story, and creating their bookmarks in the library as they were excited to win the prizes and compete with each other. We thank the teachers who agreed to allow the students to participate in the activity prepared for them.

  • Last Friday Period 8, a group of Year 12s played bowling and the winner was Young-Gyoum. This activity was not on the original list but Year 12 asked if they could play as they had had to study for trial exams and had not had the opportunity to join the activities throughout the week. They could only watch the other year groups having fun in the library. Luckily there was an extra prize for them!
  • Books delivery - In order to support literacy, we provide book deliveries to the whole school. Just let us know what kind of books you would like and we will suggest a few related books for you to choose and read!

Happy Reading from Epsom Library Team:)

We Will Rock You - School's Edition Reflections

“It’s a kind of Magic”

Friday Flyer

Have you ever imagined yourself standing on a stage, bathed in the spotlight, captivating an audience with your presence? In the world of education, students and teachers alike take on various roles every day, whether in a classroom, on a sports field, or in a science lab. Together, they strive towards common goals, working towards shared expectations. Occasionally, these expectations are not just met but exceeded, as was vividly demonstrated in the dynamic experience of the "We Will Rock You Schools Edition".

The character of Khashoggi, portrayed by Everest, sings a poignant line in "It’s A Kind Of Magic" - "One shaft of light that shows the way, no mortal man can win the day." This sentiment aptly encapsulates the collective effort that contributed to the triumph of our production. The applause received by the students is not merely for executing a successful performance but for the countless hours of practice, collaboration, compromise, listening, and learning that transpired over not just weeks, but months, to achieve the remarkable standard showcased in this show. Undoubtedly, teamwork truly does make the dream work.

The electrifying energy that permeated the corridors of Epsom with renditions of the show's iconic songs remains vivid in my memory, even long after the final curtain call. These melodies have not only reverberated down the halls but have also left an enduring impression on everyone involved.

It is crucial to acknowledge the unsung heroes who operate behind the scenes—the true linchpins of the production, often overlooked but indispensable to its success. Theatre, as we've come to appreciate, is not a solitary endeavour; rather, it is a harmonious fusion of various elements converging at the right moment.

With the support of our Operations team and the Tech team, we have been able to produce a memorable experience.

Backstage, our dedicated tech crew worked tirelessly to breathe life into the show, meticulously calibrating lighting plots and soundscapes to enrich the audience's immersive experience. Special recognition is owed to the props team, led by Mrs Jennifer Garnett, whose meticulous planning and execution contributed to crafting the futuristic world of the show.

Our band, under the adept leadership of Mr Russell Crann, provided the quintessential Queen backdrop - pulsating beats, melodious keyboard melodies, and soaring rock guitar riffs - against which the performers could shine.

And shine they did.

Led by Sameer as Galileo Figaro and Elie as Scaramouche, the show gained momentum through the witty playfulness of the script, expertly crafted to complement Queen's rock opera setlist. Jacob's portrayal of Buddy Holly led the rock 'n roll resistance of the Bohemians, supported by stellar performances from Bianca as Ozzy Osbourne and Andy as Britney Spears. Maya embraced the role of the dramatic and villainous Killer Queen, with Everest delivering a stellar performance as Khashoggi.

And then there's the cast, who dedicated countless hours to rehearsals. Standing on stage is one thing, delivering a performance is quite another. Theatre is a journey, often unseen are the hours of persistence, discipline, and courage it takes to step onto that stage and deliver what our young people have accomplished. We are immensely proud of each one of our young participants in this show. Our fervent hope is that the memories of our shared experiences - the invaluable lessons learned, the bonds forged, and the cherished moments - will continue to resonate in their hearts as they navigate the world beyond. For, as we know, all the world's a stage.

By Tamlyn and Ryan Calder

Epsom Celebrates Culture Day

Epsom incorporates over 29 different nationalities across its student body. It is a diverse and vibrant community that fosters open mindedness, intercultural awareness and exchange as well as an open, global mindset. We take every opportunity to celebrate our diversity as well as the identity of each individual student. Last week we enjoyed a student-conceived and student-led annual event namely Culture Day where students and parents came together to celebrate who they are and where they are from. They came dressed in the traditional costume of their native country and set up food stalls, activity booths and games for us all to be able to engage with cultures other than our own. The day ended with a concert where students performed songs and dances from their native country - it was a very special day as you will see from the gallery.

In a world marked by increasing globalisation and interconnectedness, celebrating cultural and linguistic diversity is an integral part of a holistic education. This celebration of diversity is woven into the fabric of our school. From classroom discussions to extracurricular activities, students are encouraged to embrace and respect the cultural backgrounds of their peers. This inclusive environment not only enriches the educational experience but also prepares students to thrive in an increasingly diverse world.

Culture Day at Epsom School is not just an event; it is a celebration of identity, belonging, and mutual respect. It serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms and recognising the unique contributions that each individual brings to the table. In a world often divided by differences, events like Culture Day offer a glimpse of a more inclusive, harmonious future.

Instrumental Music Competition

This week, we held our Annual Instrumental Music Competition. This event celebrates the talent of our instrumental players from the very youngest beginners to our virtuosos. Students were put into groups during the day based on their instrument and standard and competed against one another. Whilst it was a competition, the atmosphere was very supportive as students got to enjoy hearing their classmates perform and encouraged each other to do their best.

Friday Flyer

This year, almost 60 students participated in the competition with students playing a range of instruments including piano, violin, cello, flute, oboe, classical guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, drum kit and Electone. In each category, winners were selected and feedback was given to all of the students by the guest adjudicator.

Friday Flyer

We were delighted to welcome Mr Mustaqim Abdullah as our guest adjudicator. Mustaqim is one of the conductors of the Selangor Symphony Orchestra and an experienced performer and music arranger. After the competition, Mustaqim was impressed with the level of performances from all of our students and was delighted to have been part of such a successful competition.

Friday Flyer

The winners in each category were:

Piano Beginner: Lydia (Y6)

Piano Intermediate: Paxton (Y7)
Piano Advanced: Yuren (Y13)

Strings Beginner: Zen (Y5)

Strings Intermediate: Sarasa (Y11)

Strings Advanced - Anna Ruth (Y8)

Winds Beginner: You Qian (Y6)

WInds Intermediate: Yusi (Y9)

Winds Advanced: Josh (Y12)

Classical Guitar: Angela (Y10)

Modern: Eugene (Y12)

Ensemble: Soichiro and Ayumu (Y8)

Special Jury Award: Lim Khai (Y11)

Friday Flyer

In the evening, the winners performed to an audience of parents, students and staff. Thank you to all of the students for their hard work and practise in preparation for the competition and special thank you to Mr Azmi who organised the competition.

Friday Flyer

We look forward to our next two events, the Prep School Folk Music Concert on 21st March and the Night at the Movies Senior Concert on 27th March.

Humanities at Epsom

The key focus for this term in KS4 and 5 has been the continuing preparation for the GCSE and A Level examinations in History and Politics that will be taking place in May and June this year. It was pleasing that the Mock examinations pointed to the fact that results this summer should be very good but also highlighted where some students need to improve. By receiving diagnostic feedback from exam scripts students have been able to reflect on how to improve further to ensure that they get their highest results possible in August. All History students are also completing pieces of coursework that make up a significant part of the final mark. In Sixth Form students are completing a challenging 4500 word assessment on Tudor rebellions in the sixteenth century and Year 11 are working on a 2000 word essay analysing the effect of the Depression on Germany in the 1930s. These assessments are both important stepping stones in developing independent extended essay writing skills that will be required at all universities 

In Year 7 in History lessons students have been looking at the development of castles as well as developing their use of primary sources. Year 9 History students have been continuing to study events of the Twentieth Century and have produced excellent projects on the Second World War that they have been presenting to the rest of the class. Notable examples of interesting and confident presentations were by Ezra, Tomoki, Jayden and Ayn but the standard of all presentations were excellent

In KS5 Politics we have now moving on from the main UK Politics unit to Core Political Ideas and will now be focussed on Conservatism looking at views on human nature, the economy and society. In KS5 History we are studying the Conservative Ted Heath Government of 1970-74 which was plagued by a cost of living crisis caused by high fuel prices and rampant trade union action which has many analogies with what is happening at the moment in the UK.

Next week there will be a Humanities Week taking place throughout the school which will be organised by some of the students who are members of the Humanities Society. This will include a whole school assembly as well as a range of different activities and talks throughout the week on topics as diverse as “Reverse Migration” and “Urban Growth and Environmental Changes through History” and “The politics of Marvel’s Avengers”. There will also an evening social event that is being really well organised and will be good fun for all. Thank you to Vincent, Elie, Ethan, Elliot, Sameer and Yi En for all your efforts.

Looking at the bigger picture the trajectory of UK and US politics in 2024 remains uncertain, with pivotal elections and policy decisions on the horizon. The choices made by leaders and citizens alike will have far-reaching implications for the future direction of both nations.

Mr Dale
Head of History and Politics

The 2nd Malaysia Secondary Schools Mandarin Debate Competition

The Epsom Mandarin Debate Team bravely participated in the 2nd Malaysia Secondary Schools Mandarin Debate Competition, where 48 teams from Malaysia Independence Chinese Schools and Government Secondary Schools competed. Epsom proudly stands as the ONLY International School to take on the challenge in this high-level debate competition.

Friday Flyer

Our team included Yuxuan (Granville), Chenhe, Zishuo, and Wenhao (Propert), along with Una and Yilai (Crawfurd).

Initially, our goal was to gain more debating experience, but to our surprise, we made it to the quarter-finals. Although we defeated the previous year's championship team, we lost to this year's champion in the quarter-finals. Additionally, we secured four Best Debater awards for single matches. Congratulations to Chenhe and Zishuo for winning the Best Debater of Single Match title twice. Remarkably, Chenhe achieved this feat after only three months of debate training.

Friday Flyer

Our preparation for the six matches took 1.5 weeks, and it was led by Mr. Goh after the midterm break. Mr. Goh was pleased to see that we have become more independent compared to the last tournament.

Participating in this competition pushed our team beyond our comfort zone and elevated us to the next level. It provided clarity on our weaknesses that we now recognize and are committed to improving.

Best wishes from Yuxuan, Y12, Granville (Team Leader)

Great Golf

ECM Golf Academy competed in two separate tournaments last week.

Our Flagship Plus golfers had another successful week at the US Kids Golf event held at Glenmarie Golf & Country Club. This tournament was a part of the US Kids international series, which attracted some of the best talent/prospects from across the region.

Adrianna took 3rd place in her category (Girls 13-14) after very limited preparation due to illness and only coming out of the hospital the day before the tournament.

Tsuyoshi took 4th place in his category, with a great second round score of 77.

Nexus finished T11th in a very competitive category (13-14) showing what he is capable of after shooting a score of 78 in round 1.

We also sent 6 students from Epsom College, 5 of whom are part of the ECM Golf Academy to the FOBISIA Golf in the Philippines organised by the British School Manila at Mount Malarayat Golf and Country Club.

Our players were Aisha Isabella, James, Kafuka, Yui, Yuk, and Zaq. All the players are relatively new to competitive golf, and it was a great experience for them to play amongst the best players in FOBISA.

There were individual and team scramble categories. We are proud to announce that Yui won the U-11 girls category. Yuki had a top 20 finish in his first international tournament, with Kafuka placing 10th, and James and Zaq securing 11th and 13th positions in their respective categories.

In the team scramble category (we had 2 teams), we were placed 10th and 12th overall. What was impressive is that our students improved on the second day by an average of 8 strokes, proving that experience will assist in calming their nerves for future tournaments.

Overall, the trip was successful, with all 6 students keen to train hard for the next one. Special thanks to the parents for allowing us to compete, and to some who followed along for the trip.

It is time for a short break from competitive golf for our athletes, but you can be rest assured that they will be working hard on their games.

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Science Department Updates

In Year 12 Chemistry, students engage in various experiments to understand fundamental chemical principles. One such experiment of significance involves fractional distillation with reflux in the oxidation of a primary alcohol to an aldehyde and carboxylic acid. This experiment not only demonstrates the concept of oxidation but also provides valuable insights into the practical applications of fractional distillation and reflux techniques.

Oxidation is a fundamental chemical process where a substance loses electrons. In the context of organic chemistry, oxidation often involves the addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen from a molecule. One common example is the oxidation of primary alcohols, where they can be oxidized to form aldehydes or further oxidized to carboxylic acids.

The experimental setup for this oxidation reaction typically involves using a primary alcohol such as ethanol, a common laboratory solvent. The alcohol is mixed with an oxidizing agent, such as potassium dichromate in sulfuric acid solution (Jones reagent). The reaction is carried out under reflux conditions to prevent the loss of volatile reactants or products and ensure thorough mixing. Fractional distillation is then employed to separate and collect the products based on their different boiling points.

Fractional distillation is a crucial technique in this experiment as it allows for the separation of components based on their boiling points. Since aldehydes and carboxylic acids have different boiling points, fractional distillation enables the isolation of these products from the reaction mixture. This process enhances the purity of the products and facilitates their further analysis.

Refluxing is another essential aspect of this experiment. It involves continuously boiling the reaction mixture and condensing the vapours back into the reaction flask. This ensures that the reaction proceeds to completion by preventing the loss of volatile components. Additionally, refluxing helps in maintaining a constant temperature throughout the reaction, promoting efficiency and yield.

This experiment holds educational significance as it allows students to apply theoretical concepts in a practical setting. By conducting the oxidation of a primary alcohol, students gain hands-on experience in organic synthesis techniques. They learn about the importance of reflux and fractional distillation in organic chemistry and understand how these techniques contribute to the efficiency and success of chemical reactions.

Furthermore, the experiment provides an opportunity for students to analyse and interpret experimental data. By comparing the properties of the collected aldehyde and carboxylic acid, students can draw conclusions about the efficiency of the oxidation reaction and the selectivity of the products formed.

In Year 12 Chemistry, the experiment involving fractional distillation with reflux for the oxidation of a primary alcohol serves as an invaluable learning experience. It allows students to explore the principles of organic chemistry while gaining practical skills in laboratory techniques. Through this experiment, students develop a deeper understanding of oxidation reactions, fractional distillation, and reflux, preparing them for further studies in chemistry and related fields.

Mr Mahesh Warrier
Year 12 Chemistry Teacher

U9 & U11 Boys and Girls Swimming KLSL Tournament in Pictures

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Meet our Team

Friday Flyer


Deputy Headteacher – Pastoral, Housemistress

What inspired you to become a geo teacher, and why do you enjoy teaching this subject?
My grandfather was part of the British Antarctica Expeditions and had travelled to many places in the world. When we visited him as children we used to hear about all the countries he had visited on his ship on the way from the UK to Antarctica and his stories were fascinating. He used to show my sister and I the route he took on the ship and the places he visited in his atlas and this gave me curiosity for the world and a passion for Geography.

Do you have any advice or tips on how to help students feel more confident in geo?
The best thing is to stay in touch with the news and understand what is happening in the world. Every time there is a news story about a country you don't know much about, look it up on google maps and explore the country virtually.

(Tips for Y9 student) Could you describe what the subject is about please?
Understanding the world around you and your place in the world. Geography is about how the human and physical world are interconnected.

Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
Curious, fair and helpful

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.


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