Headmaster's Welcome
Happy Friday Dear Reader,
Welcome to Issue 152 of our Epsom Friday Flyer!
Dear Reader,
I hope that you have enjoyed your week and that it has been a productive one. This issue of our Friday Flyer marks the end of another half term and it is hard to believe how time has flown!
We have been busy at Epsom as you can see from the events that have taken place – HERE. Over recent days, students have enjoyed an Art trip to KL with their teachers, we have celebrated Art Week where in our Art Department offered a CUSTOM-MADE booth where students and staff were able to make their own VINYL STICKERS and SILK SCREEN PRINTINGS.
Students raising money for their chosen charities hosted a bake sale, there were University preparation events and more… Staff and students are looking forward to the Epsom Arts Festival and the preparations are well underway!
As you know only too well, every week starts with an assembly to provoke thought and academic discourse…Mrs Parker did this most effectively with her assembly on the theme of THINKING…
Those of you who read our Epsom Friday Flyer regularly will be aware of our Epsom Learning Characteristics and THINKING is one of them…
Curiosity | To wonder, question, explore, experiment. For example asking questions, completing independent research or trying new methods or techniques. |
Resilience | To be determined, persevering, to be able to recover, to be willing to practise. For example, trying again when you fail or practising to improve. |
Creativity | To be able to connect and visualise. For example, showing the ability to transfer skills between topics, thinking of different ways to solve problems or to consider different approaches to studying or working. |
Reflectiveness | To be able to evaluate a situation and self-evaluate. For example, showing improvement based on feedback that has been given by a teacher or peer or understanding why something has not worked or how it might be done differently next time. |
Attention | To be able to notice, concentrate, contemplate, immerse. For example, showing listening skills, staying on task in class or getting involved in discussions. |
Collaborating | To be social, accepting, to be able to imitate, empathise and lead. For example, being able to be a team player, being helpful to others, leading group work. |
Organisation | To be able to plan and be resourceful. For example, completing tasks, including homework, on time, finding information independently, finding solutions. |
Thinking | To be able to deduce, analyse, critique, intuit. For example, understanding reasons, significance and importance or understanding the deeper meaning behind a text or event |
Through our Learning Characteristics at Epsom, we foster a culture where students take responsibility for their learning and progress, actively identifying areas for improvement and strategies to ensure consistent progress…
Through her assembly, Mrs Parker encouraged the students to reflect on what Thinking as a learning characteristic means and its importance as part of one’s lifelong learning journey.
We considered Critical Thinking and how this skill not only elevates academic achievement but also helps with effective decision making into adulthood… LINK
With the rise of AI, the ability to think critically, to assess, analyse, evaluate information and make informed decisions is increasingly important and to ensure that our students are Future Ready, we ensure the development of these skills among our student body.
As you read on you will meet our new Prefect Team and it is clear that they have thought carefully before submitting their applications and that they have considered at length the legacy that they wish to leave behind…I do not doubt that this group of inspirational young people will contribute extensively to our ambitious, supportive and dynamic learning community, showing care and concern for others.
I hope that you are looking forward to the term break with your family and that you enjoy the articles to follow.
Happy Reading and Happy Friday,
Mr Matthew Brown,
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Meet Our Incoming Prefect Team
Welcome To The Prefect Team of 23/24!
Rachel, Year 12 Crawfurd
Becoming a Prefect was always a role that interested me. To me, becoming a Prefect is about so much more than a tie and badge. As cliche as it may sound – I applied for Prefectship to help bridge a better connection between teachers and students – both through academic initiatives and by helping to enable students to feel comfortable to talk to their teachers freely. As an Academic Prefect, I hope to make subjects in school something that students enjoy discussing everyday – reducing the stress that some students put on themselves academically. I believe I make a good Prefect – Academic Prefect specifically – as I have much experience of academic struggles. I understand therefore how to improve the lives of students. Personally, I admire Hannah Yeoh – a politician in Malaysia fighting for women’s rights and gender equality. She has mentioned numerous times how she worked everyday as if it was her last day in office which greatly inspires me. As Academic Prefect I hope to bring about a new perspective as to how students in Epsom view school subjects in order to maintain and improve their academic standard.
Laekeisya, Year 12 Crawfurd:
Prefectship is a position that comes with responsibilities to make the Epsom community the best it can be. As a new student who wasn’t previously familiar with the environment in Epsom, the past Prefects made my transition to the school Sixth Form extremely smooth. Being role models, I looked up to them and hoped to continue their legacy. To me, as a Service Prefect, I intend to hold several fundraising events with my partner, Lana, to contribute back to society. In a past assembly, Mr Brown highlighted the importance of power and the approach an individual takes towards achieving their goals using the power given to them. With this I believe that time management and communication with the other Prefect members are a few of the crucial attributes that a Prefect should acquire. One of the people that I very much admire is my dad as he achieved his goals in life building a successful career despite experiencing several bumps along the road. This vividly illustrates his passion towards his job and outlines the attributes needed in life such as resilience, patience and determination. With this, I believe that my dad is my role model and has definitely impacted who I am today and the values I’ve imbibed.
Adriana, Year 12 Crawfurd:
I admit that this academic year has presented the majority of us with various challenges, both physically and mentally, that some of us were not fully prepared to face. However, as the newly appointed Head of Crawfurd (2023-2024), I am committed to leading by example and maintaining a positive outlook. I have trained myself to keep my head up and not let setbacks affect my academic performance nor my responsibilities as a Prefect. I understand the importance of prioritising my duties and managing my time effectively. Despite the obstacles with which I will undoubtedly be presented, I am confident in my ability to fulfil my responsibilities and to lead the Prefect Team in organising engaging events and initiatives for the House. I believe that this role isn’t about being the ‘boss’ nor having the authority status over others but the willingness to do more and lead others so that we all can bring success together in the House. Through my Prefect experience to date, I have developed a greater sense of resilience and self-awareness, which I believe will prove to be invaluable assets in my role as Head of Crawfurd and in my future endeavours. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow from these challenges and am determined to continue striving towards excellence in all areas of my life.
Ke Ee, Year 12 Crawfurd:
Throughout my high school life, I was not keen to commit to leadership roles and take up more responsibilities. However, I decided to apply to be an Admissions Prefect as I found genuine enthusiasm whilst promoting our school through parent tours, explaining the opportunities that are provided to our students and reassuring parents that they are making the right decisions as I understand the struggles of coming into a new school, or even a new environment, for both parents and students. One of the main reasons that I chose to enrol into Epsom as well as apply for a leadership role is because of my sister, who was a previous student and Head of Crawfurd of Epsom (2016/17). She showed me the importance of being a Prefect; being proactive in projects within the school and supporting the student body. Alluding to this, my goals as an Admissions Prefect is not only to make the transition of coming into our school as smooth and comfortable as possible but also to take on responsibilities that will support the student body.
Shang Jing, year 12 Granville:
I applied for the Academic Prefect role because I have a strong passion for elevating students’ learning experiences in Epsom. I hope to organise a series of academic events to make the journey of learning more enjoyable and diverse for the students. I believed that applying for Academic Prefect would encourage me to develop more skills and attributes while at the same time, cultivating curiosity among the student body through intellectual engagements and discussions. In my humble opinion, a good Prefect should be a role model to the junior students. We should always behave ourselves and act in a mature way. A role model that I admire is John Maynard Keynes. He is a famous and influential economist from the UK. I came across this book called “Keynes: A Very Short Introduction” when I was searching for a book to borrow from the library. From this book, I learned a lot about Keynes’ personality and theories. His attitude toward theoretical research is intriguing because, unlike many other conventional economists, he loved to play with ideas in a reckless way. This does not mean that he was not serious about the things he was working on. In fact, I think this kind of “playful” attitude is quite important in leading an academic team because a true leader needs to be open-minded and willing to explore a variety of possible outcomes. As a result, the intellectual discussion will not be limited to merely one aspect, and this allows us to evaluate something thoroughly to create a win-win situation.
Molly, Year 12 Rosebery:
Before being admitted to Epsom, I was interviewed by Mrs Brown. She asked the question, “What legacy would you like to leave in Epsom?” I knew my answer instantly: to create a safe space for everyone to talk about their ideas and approach. At Epsom, I feel safe. I know my voice is heard and my efforts are seen. This community brings out the best in me as I continue to give back to Epsom to make sure everyone feels the same way here: to create a comforting environment to speak up regardless of their backgrounds and situation. I have noticed some students with great ideas hesitating to reach out to the Prefect Team or the seniors. To improve this communication barrier, my first projects will focus on being the bridge between students and the Prefect Team. I would like to implement a system where students from all years can write anonymously to the Prefect Team about their ideas on improvement or what change they would like to see in school. I believe in the “learn, reflect and improve” method and this continuous improvement can not only ameliorate our school, but also improve the sense of inclusivity within the students and their overall wellbeing. My role model would be Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Having faced many difficulties in her life which challenge her forbearance, she remains as calm as always. What I admire most about her is her resilience. She was a giver. A giver of self, a giver of love and a speaker of rights. From her, I have learnt many things. No one is born a leader. You hone your skills to be who you are today. You choose to be who you are today. By becoming a Wellbeing Prefect, I choose to be a giver. The Epsomians make Epsom what it is today and I am honoured to be a part of it to build on the sanctuary that it is in the upcoming years.
Xin Ling, Year 12 Rosebery:
Social Prefects assist with the creation and maintenance of the Epsom community and environment, from large scale events to celebrate culture and promote joy to smaller events to commemorate triumphs and build spirit. It is because of the desire to continue cultivating such in Epsom, as well as the ambition and delight of looking up to and working with the Social Prefects before me, Khai Yue and Elizabeth, that I am grateful for the opportunity to be a Social Prefect. Moreover, having worked on the Epsom Monthly Magazine, I have always received positive feedback and reviews showcasing the value of such events through laughter, recall of fond memories, and the overall connection and social growth that is fostered. I wish to achieve and collaborate closely alongside my wonderful team, Vash and Karishaa, to bring forth creative concepts and deliver projects with the candour and system that they require, thereby contributing to the development of Epsom’s community, wellbeing, and overall Epsom Life and Experience. By supporting and aiding my fellow Prefects and cooperating as a team, I too intend to make a positive impact on the school in a variety of other aspects as well. Despite the fact that it may not have been that long, I am already grateful to have my two other Social Prefects with me as we have already worked together diligently to overcome obstacles and achieve some great results, corroborating my belief that a Prefect should have characteristics of selflessness, perseverance, teamwork, and adaptability.
Karishaa, Year 12 Crawfurd:
My first week at Epsom was a busy one as many people had already started applying for the Prefectship while I was catching up on whatever I had missed and while I was busy adapting to a new school, being a new student in Term 2. It took me a few days to decide on whether I wanted to take on the many responsibilities of becoming a Prefect but I eventually decided that I wanted to challenge myself as a new student in this school, bringing fresh ideas, hence my application for the role of Social Prefect as I had enjoyed hosting and experiencing events that brought the school community closer at my previous school. I believe a good Prefect would have the characteristics of communicating well while having good organisational skills and being able to be a role model to the rest of the students in the school community. As a Social Prefect, I would like to create a Youth Parliament-like event where students who are passionate about debating and participating in activities like the MUN will be able to understand more about real time debates regarding current issues in the world, being a debater myself. I truly admire Syed Saddiq, who is a politician in Malaysia who is filled with optimism and portrays drive in everything he does, motivating me to not give up or back out mid-way through anything I do. As a Social Prefect, I hope to bring a closer bond amongst students and staff in our community with thrilling events, leaving lifelong memories.
Ann Yi, Year 12 Rosebery:
I wanted to apply to become an Academic Prefect in order to achieve my objective of encouraging academic ambition among students, especially those in the younger years. Since I have personally benefited from doing further reading and research in the Sixth Form, I strongly believe that Key Stage 4 or even Key Stage 3 students would benefit from partaking in independent exploration of knowledge early on as it not only eases their transition into A-levels, but also provides them with the opportunity to identify their unique areas of interest, which is beneficial in making choices regarding higher education. Ultimately, my goal is to help as many students as possible maximise their learning potential at Epsom. I think a good Prefect is flexible and accountable, working with not only the rest of the Prefect Team but also students across the school in a manner that shows empathy, understanding and perspective – it is my wish to show this example of leadership throughout my time as Academic Prefect. Somebody who has influenced my idea of a good leader is the High Commissioner of Singapore to Malaysia, who I had the opportunity to meet and have a conversation with alongside some of my peers. His humility and knowledge are just a few traits that I aspire to be able to adopt.
Lana, Year 12 Crawfurd:
I’ve always admired and looked up to anyone who takes the initiative to help the people around them, whether it was through major fundraising events or simply taking care of relatives at home. I was fortunate enough to be born into a family full of such people, and so, from a very young age, I began to do the same. Applying for the role of Service Prefect seemed like an obvious choice to me so that I can continue to provide support to my community in any way I can. Through my experience with both previous leadership positions and service work, there are many instances when the work in question becomes overwhelming, and the easy way out becomes increasingly more tempting. I think my one strength, when all else fails, is my ability to make sure I don’t lose track of the reason I took on a challenge — in this case, because I want to be someone that anyone in the Epsom community can rely on for anything. Along with my partner, Laekeisya, I will do my best to use that determination for future events and fundraisers to make sure our school is known and remembered for our service to the wider community around us.
Aidan, Year 12 Propert:
The first assembly that I joined as a year 6, I saw people with yellow ties and wondered who they were? My friend told me they were Prefects, representing the school as a team. When I was young, I didn’t really understand why these students would choose to undertake extra work, but as I grew, I realised their importance, and I saw a lot of them working hard to make the school a better place for thier peers. When I joined Propert, I saw younger year groups and seniors, working together, and in the middle, holding them all together was the House Prefect with other members of the Prefect Team and I really wanted to be one of these Prefects as I wanted to help give back to the House that I grew up in. As I’m now the Deputy Head Of Propert, I want to continue what our old House Prefects did with the then Head of Propert, Ben. I want to continue to make the House a better place to live in and where students can bond with peers in the House and most importantly build a healthy House community where everyone feels like they are a part of a family. I have always admired Mr Boon Han,who always influenced me into becoming a better person by teaching me his attributes and mentality, and the importance of thinking as a team, but also balancing the ability to look out for yourself while working and thinking independently . I have enjoyed my time as a student but now it is time for me to work as a Prefect in the school, making sure that new students or old students enjoy their time in Epsom as well.
Diana, Year 12 Rosebery:
Throughout the five years that I’ve been at Epsom, I have been grateful for the opportunities that have allowed me to exhibit my talents. As someone who adores Epsom’s community, I am glad to partake in shaping Epsom’s future with my own hands. I will make sure that the students’ voices are heard, and ensure that the brilliant experiences I’ve had while in Epsom can be shared with them.
I would like to carry out two main projects. Firstly, I would like to bring back the DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) system when EAL (English as an Additional Language) junior students spend one tutor time per week with senior students, either iGCSE or A-level students to practise reading. It was an amazing opportunity to improve my English during my junior life when I couldn’t speak English properly. The seniors adjusted any incorrect pronunciation and taught me some words that I did not understand. Additionally, the seniors had understood that the juniors may not be as fluent in English, and as such provided an environment for me where I could be comfortable with making mistakes and where I felt safe to be able to learn from them. Secondly, to enhance the look of the school and feeling of being included for international students, I am planning to decorate the empty school walls with inspirational quotations from various regions in the students’ own languages.
I am very excited to work as an International Prefect along with my partners. We hope to make Epsom a better place for the next generation.
Hengchu, Year 12 Propert:
When I first arrived at Epsom, I was not fluent in English. It was practically impossible for me to communicate with others. There was hardly a day that went by without the thought of buying a plane ticket to go back home to China. What made it worse was that I would refrain from actively socialising and talking to people in English. I was afraid of people mocking me and making fun of my poor English skills, fearful of them misunderstanding what I was trying to communicate through my poor English. With my hopeless circumstance, I had always imagined having someone who could share in my situation to guide me out my position. In other words, a lighthouse to my wandering ship, but I never even dared to ask. All this changed when I met Youngmok. He befriended me despite my poor English skills which allowed me to steadily gain confidence and integrate into the Epsom Community. I immediately became more sociable as I gained more confidence in talking to people in English, made some new and long lasting friendships, and saw my grades do a complete 180 degrees from getting F’s to A’s. I wish to be the guiding light to those who are lost and show them how anything is possible once you put your mind to it.
Ben, year 12 Propert:
I admire those who achieve their goals through dedication and hard work. A figure such as Michael Phelps continues to inspire me to find challenges and constantly push myself, which I have found through enrolling at Epsom. After being chosen as the Head of Propert for the upcoming year, I have come to realise what it means to be in such a position, to lead from the back and serve only in the best interest of the House. I am especially excited to work with the Deputy Head of Propert (Aidan), as we both aim to improve and eventually turn Propert into a standout House with our implementations. By the end of my stint, I hope to leave Propert not only as a successful leader but to also leave as the one that showed the significance of the role, who inspired many others to take it up later on. Without a doubt, I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to etch my name in Propert history.
Vash, Year 12 Granville:
I applied for the position of Social Prefect because of my love for people. The community here at Epsom has always been extremely kind and I’ve been wanting to give back to the school for welcoming me all those years ago. My journey at Epsom has had its ups and downs but it was an amazing experience nonetheless and I wish to leave this place better than it was before I came along. One of the most important characteristics for a Prefect, especially a Social Prefect, is communication. To be able to connect with people even if you don’t speak the same language or don’t have the same ideals and being the glue that brings people together is what I believe to be key. From my first trip to Broadway, I idolised Alexander Hamilton; I have read and reread his biography and have adopted a few of his ideals in my day to day life due to his resilience and work ethic. He did more than he needed to and got barely any recognition for it. This is why I admire him, because he did good not for the sake of himself but for the sake of the whole country.
Koutatsu, Year 12 Granville:
I applied for the position of International Prefect as I saw this is a great opportunity to contribute back to our school. We are aware of the increasing numbers of international students in the lower years and we must be assertive as I feel that we must support them with their English and to raise their overall level as it will be fundamental to them succeeding in all aspects of school life. Epsom College in Malaysia has a student body that consists of students from various different countries. We have great opportunities to learn different cultures through interactions with other students. I want to urge students to learn about the backgrounds of their friends, providing opportunities through entertainment. Not only can I support the students academically but I believe that I can help them out mentally especially as I was once in their shoes. Without a doubt, I will always be there for anyone who seeks assistance. I am prepared to devote my time to this job.
Darshinie, Year 12 Rosebery:
I always found the seniors who wore those special ties and badges somewhat cool. They looked professional and smart, they were kind, but also strict. I found out that they were Prefects when I was in year 8. I never really thought about applying for Prefectship up until the start of Year 12, because that was when I realised that I hadn’t taken up any leadership roles yet, and maybe it was time to do so. So that’s exactly what I did. I applied to be a Prefect. But of course, that wasn’t a good enough reason for me to take such a big step out of my comfort zone. I thought about what I could do as a Prefect: I could help improve the student life in Epsom, organise events, influence positive change within the school, possibly be some junior’s role model, and more. But most importantly, the idea of working as a team stood out to me. Working in a team where people were working on different aspects but all for the same cause: to make Epsom a better place for students. I applied to be a Prefect so that I could contribute to that team to make sure all my juniors could have good memories of Epsom, where they’re learning, but also having fun at the same time. I wanted to use this as an opportunity to give back to the school. Now that I am appointed Head of Rosebery, I will work towards fulfilling my role and goals, and try not to make any mistakes along the way.
Alis, Year 12 Crawfurd:
To be honest, I started my Prefect application on the day of submission. It was not due to a lack of passion but more towards my uncertainty in myself. I contemplated for days before the deadline, thinking if I could succeed as a Prefect. Nevertheless, I do not regret applying as it was an opportunity to gain more confidence in my own abilities whilst learning leadership skills. Hence, I am grateful to everyone who supported me in my application process; it truly showed that the Epsom community is encouraging as well as nurturing. My ambition as a Wellbeing Prefect is to improve and maintain a safe, positive and ultimately a comfortable environment within Epsom. I want to be there for our students as others have been there for me. I think the ideal Prefect would hold these values, in addition to qualities such as self discipline and kindness. To close, I promise to do my best with the responsibility entrusted to me.
Yi Shan, Year 12 Rosebery:
Everyone has been a new student once and we all know how nerve-racking and overwhelming it can be when first settling into a new environment. But, ever since I was given the opportunity to lead several parent tours, I quickly realised the great benefits of it. These tours act as a tool of reassurance as I often see the sense of relief on both parents’ and students’ faces. Over time, I gradually developed a great passion for interacting with and welcoming new parents and students, which is why I have applied for the role of Admissions Prefect. I hope that through this role, I can be an individual whom new students could reach out to if they are ever concerned, worried, and need someone to talk to. Moreover, I would also like to develop as an individual, by stepping out of my comfort zone and taking up challenges. Jack Ma, a Chinese billionaire entrepreneur who is well-known as the co-founder of Alibaba Group, is my role model. He is a resilient individual who doesn’t back down despite the countless failures he has encountered in life. One of my all-time favourite quotes said by Jack Ma is the following: “If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure.” This quote plays an important role in my life as it reminds me to not only be resilient but to always strive for the best when failure hits. Therefore, being one of the Admission Prefects, I hope to be able to do my very best in helping new students settle in Epsom and have the best school life.
Kyle, Year 12 Propert:
I applied to the Prefect position because I wanted to develop myself further, putting myself in a position where I would have to shoulder responsibility and demonstrate leadership skills. During my 3 previous years in school I did not hold any leadership positions, but I would like to finish my life in Epsom having held a leadership position within school. I want to contribute to being a positive influence on other students and be a person that people need. I realise that being a Prefect gives me a lot of opportunities to help other students to stay well with a positive mind. The reason that I applied to the Admissions Prefect role is that I can give a true and fair view of school to someone who hasn’t tried Epsom school in their life, so I sincerely want them to know how Epsom is able to change a person besides the study. Personally, a role model who I look up to is Mr. Chris, my Economics teacher. This is because he helps those who seek assistance without hesitation and seeks to connect with students on a personal level. He gave me the motivation to apply for the Prefect position. I hope in one day I can become a person like Mr. Chris.
Leo, Year 12 Granville:
Prefects are vital to the Epsom community, as the projects they undertake directly impact the student life experience in our esteemed college. As such, the main reason I applied to be a Prefect is because I believe that it is the best way I can give back to the school. As the Deputy Head of House, my main goal is to foster a supportive and harmonious atmosphere in the Boarding House. I hope to achieve this by being a role model, listening to my fellow housemates’ concerns, and working closely with my Housemaster to address any issues that may arise. By promoting communication, I aim to create an environment where everyone in my Boarding House feels heard, valued, and inspired to reach their full potential in the classroom, as well as in all aspects of life at Epsom. As a Prefect, I intend to further hone my skills. The ideal Prefect is someone who is approachable, empathetic, and amiable. A Prefect should also be very open-minded, as considering different perspectives is very important when making important decisions. Someone I admire is Elon Musk. Elon Musk is someone who made his dreams become a reality through hard work and determination. Even after facing failure after failure, he persevered through and is now one of the richest people in the world. I aspire to be like him, to never give up when the going gets tough.
Max, Year 12 Granville :
Frangas Non Flectes, this Latin quote might seem familiar to some of you, meaning ‘break but not bend’ – The Virtue of Honesty. This shall not be seen as just a quote on our symbol as it empowers us to have the unbowed, unbroken spirit of resilience. We have a crown for a reason, as your new Head of Granville in Epsom College, I will ensure that all Granvillians are embraced into our home like brotherhood, all will play a role to and none shall be left behind, setting an example for the rest of the Houses while contributing our best to our school. Yves was the Head of Graville from 2021-2022, a big man with a big heart. I always look up to Yves, not only as a leadership figure but also as a caring friend, he treats everyone with kindness, putting the wellbeing of the group above himself, showing manners and selflessness. Greater figures like Yves and Epsom build me to who I am now, I will make the best use of my responsibilities and abilities to provide to our community.
Best wishes for your weekend!
Epsom Prefect Team 23/24
A Message from our Leadership Team: Dr Cooke
Epsom College has had to respond to the unprecedented high temperatures in Malaysia. An MOE guideline has instructed that outdoor activities should not happen. In classrooms and the Houses, air conditioning units have strained against the rising temperatures. On weekends we have been restricted in the activities students can follow.
It is noticeable that temperatures are higher and given that Malaysia is in a very hot region of the world with high humidity, what we have experienced is surprising and troubling.
Across the region the highest temperatures have been recorded, including Thailand and Vietnam. In Chiang Mai, Thailand, citizens have been in lock down because of high temperatures. This is a trend we have seen across the globe. There is a sense that the warnings of temperature rise are now becoming a reality. Scientists argue these temperatures are caused by manmade activity.
It is a good time to reflect on our energy use. At Epsom we have been working to ensure that lights and airconditioning are switched off when unused. We will soon be installing solar panels to cover most of our electricity use. A student initiative has also led to more effective recycling amongst students.
As individuals, maybe now is the time to think about our own carbon footprint: how frequently do we travel? Do we purchase goods from sustainable sources? There is increasing debate around the world, often led by young people, most notably Greta Thurnberg, of how to live sustainably. As global citizens it is important to engage with these arguments, as students at Epsom College study in lessons such as PSHE, Geography and Politics.
A Message from Carr House
When interviewing the Year 8 Carr students for leadership positions, one of the questions that I asked was: “What does leadership mean to you?”.
There were a variety of answers to this question but most students spoke of leadership being an opportunity to help others. It made me so proud that the Carr boys know that leadership is about serving rather than being served.
I would like to introduce you to the Carr Leadership Team for the academic year 2023/2024:
My name is Yordan and I am pleased to be one of the Head of House Prefects. During my time as Head of Carr there are many things I would like to bring to the House, like letting Carr boys learn how to help and be kind to one another, as the quote says “Carr Cares” especially when the boys are far from home. We can do this by letting the boys know more about the outside world, as many children our age do not have this knowledge. This can teach the Carr boys to respect other people and appreciate what they have around them. And having more fun activities during free time, to promote more socialising rather than being on their devices. I am excited to help Carr House in any way I can to have a good year.
My name is Jaden Tan and I am deeply honoured and pleasantly surprised to be selected for this role. Being a Head of House is not only about overseeing the Prefect Team but also assisting fellow boys whenever and wherever I can. There are numerous things I would like to get done, including but not limited to organising fundraisers and fun events. To me, leadership is about inspiring, empowering and encouraging others to work for a shared goal that is very close to my heart. I look forward to working with the leadership team to continue the Carr House tradition of leading by example.
My name is Masanao. I am the weekend Head of House for Carr House. Leadership is important to me and I understand the importance of leading others. Leadership involves helping others to become the best they can be. It is a huge responsibility and I will be working closely with the House staff to ensure that Carr House is a home away from home for all students staying in Carr over the weekends. I would like to introduce new, fun activities and social events that will make our weekend evenings into special occasions and bring us together as a House. With the help of the other leaders, we will work as a team to make sure that Carr boys are well looked after. I will make myself available to listen to the boys in Carr House when they have any problems or suggestions. I will be their spokesperson and liaise with the House staff in order to make Carr House the best it can be for all of us.
Our names are Taiga and Yoritaka and we are the International Prefects for Carr House. In this role we would like to assist new students who are coming from various countries. As both of us are international students, we understand how these students feel coming to a new school and a foreign country. We would like to celebrate national days from all of the countries represented at Carr and to promote respect for all cultures that are represented at Carr House and Epsom as a whole.
Hi I’m Qaid, I am the new Social Prefect of Carr House. As the Social Prefect of Carr House, it’s my job to make sure that our House is a place where everyone feels welcome and enjoys their time in the House. I have started planning a variety of fun events that will bring our fellow peers and staff together and help them make memories that will last. In the near future I also want to have mini, fun competitions where Houses like Carr and Holman can have more bonding time and enjoy some competitiveness. Parties allow us to become more aware of our peers’ cultures and learn about them in a fun way. I will strive to make Carr a place where everyone feels welcome, respected, and connected.
My name is Caleb Garnett and my leadership position is the Well-Being Prefect of Carr House
My role is to make sure that everybody in Carr House feels safe and welcome.
In this role I would like to make Carr House a happy place and friendly House.When we get new students I will make sure that they feel welcome, are happy around school and in Carr House and that they are making new friends.
Hi, I am the Service Prefect for 2023–2024, and my name is Rayyan.
My role is to better the environment and help others with passion in my heart.
Kindness appears to be my strong suit, so I was selected for this position.
What I plan to do in Carr is release Carr House from its shackles so it can reach its maximum potential. I plan to be able to let Carr House release steam, encourage the boys to talk to one another, add a nicer vibe to Carr House, and especially make people join Carr House. Our House keeps on getting bigger, which means a bigger community and a bigger family.
I feel that leadership is what each of us do to motivate or tackle something together for the common good/goal.
Rayyan will be overseeing all of the of the “Carr Cares” projects and encouraging our boys in this shared endeavour.
Hello everybody, we are Nexus and Yusi from Year 8, and we are the Academic Prefects of Carr House for next year. Our leadership role entails taking in opinions from both younger students in Carr such as Years 5 and 6 and older students in Years 7, 8, and 9, and giving feedback to the teachers and HMM with comments and suggestions about how teaching and learning can further develop from the perspective of a student.
Some of the things that we would like to do for this role would be to:
Organise socials for students that are not boring seeing as learning can be a constraint to students, and as students ourselves we may be able to unlock a different method of letting students absorb information. For example:quizzes with snacks as prizes, and organising competitions with the Holman Academic Prefect.
As we also realised many students have problems with homework, we would like to set up an email for everybody looking for help with academic matters to email us, and we will gladly help them.
We have planned a library in Carr House where students can borrow books and give books to us.
To us, the role of an Academic Prefect holds immense significance. As an Academic Prefect, we view ourselves as a representative and advocate for the pursuit of knowledge and excellence within Carr House, and even the school community. It is our responsibility to inspire and motivate our fellow students to embrace a love for learning, to set high standards for themselves, and to strive for academic success. As Academic Prefects, we aim to create an environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for lifelong learning. We see ourselves as mentors, offering support and guidance to our peers, sharing study techniques, and promoting effective time management skills. We also believe in the importance of encouraging a positive and inclusive atmosphere where every student feels valued and empowered in their educational journey. Through our role as Academic Prefects, we hope to contribute to the development of a vibrant and intellectually stimulating school community that celebrates the joy of learning and inspires all students to reach their full potential.
So congratulations to the Carr leaders of 2023/2024. I look forward to a wonderful year of great leadership in Carr as we always strive to be the example.
Pictured above are the Key Stage 5 Prefects meeting with the present and future Carr leaders to inspire them in their roles.
Mrs Jenny Garnett
Housemistress, Carr House
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Science Department Updates
The World of the Microscope:
Dear Reader,
Having joined the Fast Track Programme at Epsom in April, we are enjoying our learning – especially lots of practical experiments and here we will share with you some of our recent experiences …
In Biology, I was tasked with identifying sclerenchyma fibres, phloem, sieve tubes, and xylem vessels and their position by preparing a temporary microscope slide. After making the slide using very thinly sliced celery and methylene blue stain, I carefully adjusted the microscope’s lens several times. I sought the ideal location by raising the stage higher and then lowering it once more. I positioned the slide at several angles in my efforts to uncover the illusive sight of cells. However, despite my best attempts, I was still unable to see the cells.
Frustrated yet undeterred, I found solace in the presence of my partner, who shared my enthusiasm for unravelling the mysteries of the microscopic world. Together, we stood in awe as Ms Madeley, our teacher, intervened to take charge of the stubborn machine. Our jaws dropped in amazement as her skilful hands gracefully navigated the microscope, effortlessly achieving what had proven so arduous for us.
Within moments, Ms Madeley declared her task complete, her efforts seeming insignificant in comparison to our own. She called for us to take a look. I was in awe as I studied the intricacies of cells I had only ever read about in textbooks. Each cell was remarkably clear. It was truly a captivating experience, fuelling my sense of wonder and I was briefly rendered speechless.
My amazement, however, was fleeting as Miss Madeley, with a sly smile, adjusted the microscope so it was once again out of focus and she dared me to try the technique on my own.
During my Chemistry lesson I leaned in closer, holding my breath, and watched carefully as each bubble rose up the measuring cylinder. While experimenting with calcium carbonate and its reaction with ethanoic acid, my partner, Yun Xin, and I stood beside our apparatus, our eyes laser focused. She shook the test tube carefully, and the measuring cylinder filled with a flurry of bubbles, and we watched as the gas level rose and rose. We squealed and jumped, absolutely thrilled by the rush of success – until we heard a crack. Our eyes widened and we did not know what to do. It was perhaps then that I learnt something entirely new. Besides the immeasurable knowledge that practical experiments bring, I learnt the value of mistakes. Miss Dhurga, my teacher, taught me that, although breaking delivery tubes isn’t ideal, we can learn from our mistakes to improve the next time. Shortly afterward we repeated the same experiment, and this time there were no broken tubes!
By Crystl Ann, Year 12 Crawfurd
Look Out! The Squigglies Are Here!
Oh boy, let me tell you about the wild adventure that unfolded in the microscopic world! Agh!! When I peered down the microscope I saw “little squigglies,” as Christabelle, my Lab partner, called them. It was a blurry mess.
I fiddled with the microscope, painstakingly turning each dial and knob to gain clarity. Like a crazy scientist, I alternated between magnifications, going from 10x to 4x, then 40x, and eventually the exhilarating 100x. My efforts, however, were futile. We saw strange creatures doing their own weird dance steps, and sadly not the delicate stem cells we were searching for.
But fear not – Ms Madeley swooped in just as we were ready to give up! She came over to our microscope and sat down. Once in place her hands moved fluidly, adjusting the clack of the focus lens…Her actions all came together seamlessly. In excitement we waited, and giddy whispers from each other hushed – we were desperate to take a look through the microscope.
Our enthusiasm was overwhelming! With anticipation coursing through the room like an electric current, we drew in closer. My friend Chris was virtually buzzing with anticipation. As we held our breath in anticipation of the long-awaited revelation, our hearts raced.
After a brief, dramatic pause, Ms Madeley started speaking. She was about to reveal one of the universe’s greatest secrets. In anticipation of catching a sight of the elusive cells, we were on the edge of our seats.
Then Ms Madeley delivered her shocking revelation. Our aspirations disintegrated like a Jenga tower during an earthquake. She said with a tinge of regret, “You’ll have to build a new slide. Evidently, your celery piece was too thick.
We started again. This time, I handled the scalpel with the utmost care. I cut the celery stick into thin slices, being as careful and exact with the knife as a professional chef. Then the decisive moment came.
As I carefully drizzled the vivid blue liquid over the delicate celery slice, time seemed to stand still. As the blue waves washed over the specimen’s green rocks, creating intricate colour tides, it seemed as though we were watching the creation of a cosmic ocean. Chris breathed a sigh of relief, and for a few seconds, it appeared as though the cosmos was supporting our goals.
We eventually got to view the cells we had been waiting to see, and lo and behold! They twinkled and shone with breathtaking clarity, like stars in the night sky.
By Elsa, Year 12 Crawfurd
A Glimpse into the life of a Year 12 Science Student at Epsom College
I am enrolled in all three science subjects in the Science Department at Epsom College: Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. I am always excited to attend my classes. Biology class is particularly enjoyable, thanks to the whiteboard sessions conducted by Ms. Aishah, which allow us to freely express our creativity and knowledge. In Ms. Madeley’s class, we engage in hands-on activities, such as illustrating the DNA replication process using coloured paper pieces.
Chemistry class holds a heart-warming aspect, as Ms. Dhurga possesses the ability to discern moments of confusion merely by observing my facial expressions. She consistently demonstrates compassion towards her students, recognizing when we encounter difficulties comprehending complex concepts. Despite this, she maintains unwavering patience and diligently endeavours to provide thorough explanations, regardless of the time required. Mr. Subash has also greatly aided my understanding of specific topics. I will forever remember the occasion when he graciously offered a crash course to a few friends and me on the shapes of molecules, an experience that left me feeling profoundly enlightened.
In Physics class, I derive pleasure from Ms. Ruby’s meticulous explanations. Her class is characterised by the swift passage of time, testament to the enjoyment experienced within. Her ability to establish a connection with us and the light-hearted banter that ensues consistently brightens my day.
Our teachers diligently craft meaningful and engaging lessons for us, their students. Despite being only a small group of Fast Trackers, we never feel neglected by our teachers. Quite the contrary, we deeply appreciate the unwavering support they offer us unconditionally. Thus, from the depths of my heart, I extend profound gratitude to all our Science teachers, as their relentless efforts in guiding us have been truly commendable.
By Christabelle, Year 12 Crawfurd
The wonder of Epsom Science
Wow, the past four weeks have been wonderful here in Epsom, and let me tell you, we’re having a blast with our practical activities! I can’t even begin to tell you how lucky we are to have access to these state-of-the-art scientific resources, especially after having to use those dated, rusted microscopes in high school!
One of the experiments I enjoyed the most was when I had the opportunity to observe the mitosis of a tiny root tip in Ms. Madeley’s Biology class. Our understanding of mitosis was substantially improved by the elaborate patterns that evolved during the process. I’m already looking forward to this Friday’s investigation!
See you soon!
By Jia Xin, Year 12 Crawfurd
A Message from our EAL Department
Increasing Understanding and Bringing Our Language to Life…
First of all, let’s start with some congratulations! Well done to the following EAL students who have recently achieved mid A2 proficiency in English and no longer require intensive English lessons: Michael, Hyun Woo, Wing, Mingyeong, Lynn, Seung Hoo, Chloe, Yalin, Soichiro, Hal and Ojiro.
Particular praise must also be given to Fuga, Tianming, Jiaqi and Ruiyan Liu who have made massive progress and achieved B1 proficiency, graduating completely from EAL lessons.
‘The two boys flew their kite in the park.’
What is wrong with this sentence? Nothing… and everything! The punctuation is correct and the verb is used accurately and is in agreement; there is a subject, a verb and an object; and in addition; the sentence has even been made slightly more complex by providing a location. But, where is the joy on the children’s faces, the excitement in their racing hearts, or the exhilaration of their breathless afternoon?
If we read about kite flying, what picture do we form in our mind and how do we interpret the meaning behind the words on the page? The image that you form in your mind on reading this sentence will be different to the person standing next to you. Furthermore, moving this one step forward, if we would like to write about flying kites, which tools are at our disposal as language learners? These are just some of the questions that our English as an Additional Language students have been asking themselves recently.
So, we have a subject, a verb and an object: perhaps this is enough if our vocabulary is wide enough to choose the best words for the image we wish to create: perhaps our kite danced instead of flew, perhaps two friends conjured a better feeling than two boys. These synonyms might make a difference.
In addition, we could add a few adjectives and adverbs or other bits and pieces to make our utterance more complex and engaging, further enriching our description.
‘The two excited young children ran quickly over the soft carpet of grass gripping the strings of their colourful kites tightly. The kites danced behind them bright and happy like butterflies enjoying the beautiful blue sky.
Our new sentence contains nine adjectives, two adverbs, one metaphor and a simile unless I have counted incorrectly. Can you spot them and are they a bit too much in this situation? What would you have said?
Alternatively, our description could appeal more to the senses: engaging our reader by incorporating sensory imagery. Describing how our subject looks, sounds, smells, tastes or even feels. By thinking about language in this way, our English learners now have choice and are able to engage with texts on a deeper level than merely reading the words on the page.
Best wishes for your weekend,
Dean Jones
EAL Coordinator & Housemaster Granville House.
Epsom Golf Update
Epsom student Adrianna will travel to Scotland this week to compete in the US Kids Golf European Championship, Adrianna is well-prepared and ready for the challenge. Some adjustments to her normal game plan needed to be in place to comfortably handle the Scottish weather and course conditions. Some key points are to play lower running shots into & around the greens and to have additional golf gloves and towels in her bag in case of heavy rain!
To ensure Adrianna has all the shots required around the greens and a fine tune on her putting, we spent a few hours at Kota Seriemas GCC. “I am happy with Adrianna’s current performance and believe she will compete well in Scotland” – Coach Travis.
Enjoy the event Adrianna!. Epsom & ECM Golf is behind you all the way!
Event Info:
U.S. Kids Golf is excited to be heading back to Scotland for the 14th annual U.S. Kids Golf European Championship, where the world’s great young golfers, ages 5-18, will compete.
Epsom Mouratoglou Tennis Programme Updates
As we approach the Half Term break for Term 3, The Mouratoglou Tennis Programme Coaching Team would like to proudly announce the players who are taking part in the Asian Tennis Federation Tournaments that are being held currently in Hyderabad, India and Nonthaburi, Thailand.
Our players are:
- Lynn – participating in Hyderabad, India
This is a category A Tournament in the Girls Under 14 category, where the majority of the participants are ranked top 100 in Asia in the Girls Under 14 category
- Riona – participating in Nonthaburi, Thailand
- Eva – participating in Nonthaburi, Thailand
This is a category 2 Tournament in the Girls Under 14 category. We are happy to announce that our players are the youngest participants in this tournament (Eva is 10 years old and Riona is 11 years old) and they are competing against some of the best players in Asia in the Girls Under 14 category.
These types of tournaments represent an excellent experience for young players, since they not only play a week full of tennis against the top players from all over the world, but they also foster strong friendships and bonds as players interact with other athletes and representatives from other nations and cultures.
The MTP Coaching Team has been working hard with our student-athletes to make the necessary preparations to polish and boost their performance across all areas of the game – technical, tactical, match exposure, confidence and courage.
We are very proud of our players’ efforts and dedication which is evident in their given training days as well as in the performance that they have shown in their tournaments.We are always on the go, making sure that our players perform to their best both on and off the court, as both aspects are equally important to us!
The MTP coaching Team looks forward to keeping the Epsom community updated. Stay tuned…
Have a great weekend and Half Term Break!
With sincerity,
The MTP Coaching Team
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Epsom Celebrates Teachers Day
Staff were delighted to have their hard work recognised by students and parents at a Special Teachers’ Day Event. Students passed gifts and notes to their teachers and we enjoyed breaktime sharing some delicious snacks and drinks prepared by our lovely catering team!
Special thanks to the Friends of Epsom pictured above for this special event!
Meet Our Staff
Hello! We are Angela and Yunn Xynn from Year 9 Crawfurd and this week we would like to introduce you to Ms Anna Mcleod, our Head of Languages and EPQ Coordinator.
Anna has a stellar academic record and is extremely well qualified to stretch and challenge the most ambitious linguists as well as to support those students who are experiencing challenges. Fully trilingual in English, French and Spanish, Anna describes herself as an enthusiastic and committed practitioner. She takes pride in crafting high quality learning experiences for the classroom and places high value on encouraging pupils to perceive languages as relevant and enjoyable outside the classroom. She believes strongly in empowering students to set and achieve their own personal goals and builds strong relationships with high expectations and mutual respect as the foundation. Outside of work, Anna enjoys the outdoors and loves to hike in beautiful countryside.
Why did you choose to come to work at Epsom?
At that time I was considering whether I wanted to work in another country, work in a different school in the UK, or study another Masters degree. I weighed up all the options and decided that moving to Malaysia was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, one that I would likely regret not taking up.
What is your greatest achievement?
I think I have to say that my greatest achievement is leaving behind a friend group and lifestyle that I really enjoyed in the UK to move here to Malaysia, and then finding ways to rebuild something similar for myself here. Adapting to Malaysia was really difficult for the first 6-9 months but I feel that I have become increasingly settled in here since then.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I appreciate getting to meet and work with a wide range of people every day. I also enjoy the problem-solving aspect of my job. For example, working out how to best explain or teach a concept in my subject, or working with students to overcome obstacles so that they can get the best out of themselves personally and/or academically.
Did you always want to work at a school? Why?
NO! Before I started working in education, I thought becoming a teacher was THE most predictable and boring path. During uni, I worked in quite a few different environments, but I found that I enjoyed the teaching experiences the most because of the energy in the room and interactions I could have every day. So, when it came to choosing my next steps after I graduated, that’s why I chose to qualify as a teacher.
What constitutes a good day for you?
This is a great question. Things that can make my day good include: spending time with or calling my friends, working out, students doing or saying something funny, getting some good news from someone else. It’s always nice to hear something positive.
Who do you admire and why?
I admire one of my aunties in particular because she always makes the effort to bring the family together on special dates like birthdays or holidays, even although we are all very busy doing different things in different places.
What is your ambition?
My ambition is to be able to support my parents or siblings in any way they might need me to in the future.
Share with us something no one else knows about you.
People used to ask me to contribute to bake sales because my mum is a food technology teacher and they thought I would also be great at baking. In reality I am terrible at baking and I hate it. So I used to just buy baked goods from a shop and bring them as if I had made them myself :/
The Epsom Ball is Coming Soon!
We are hosting an Open Day
Save the Date!
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to extend an invitation to you and your friends to join us for the Epsom Open Morning on the 24th of June 2023 starting at 10.00am until 2.00pm. This event is an excellent opportunity for new parents to explore our prestigious institution and learn more about the exceptional educational and sport opportunities we offer. For the parents that are part of ‘Friends of Epsom’, we are looking forward to you coming and sharing your experience and knowledge of our School to your friends and visitors that will be attending the Epsom Morning.
Share the picture above with your friends who may be interested in learning more about Epsom. Join us on the 24th June 2023. Register with us at
Thank you for reading our flyer…
Have a wonderful weekend and see you again soon!
Happy Friday from us all at Epsom!
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